RSA 2016 Planning Meeting

When:  Dec 16, 2015 from 16:00 to 16:30 (ET)
Associated with  RSA Interop Demo Group
  • Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

  • You can also dial in using your phone.

    United States +1 (669) 224-3319

    United States (Toll-free): 1 877 309 2070 FREE

    Access Code: 569-658-629


Hi Everyone,

Our next meeting is tomorrow -- Wednesday, 16 December @ 4:00 PM Eastern Time.  Dial-in details are noted in this reminder.  The following are agenda items we'll be covering during the meeting. Most critical is our booth design layout decision. 

Please feel free to reach out with questions prior to the meeting, if needed..  Thanks so much, Jane 


A. Quick technical update from Tony Cox (Interop technical lead for both)

B. Logistical update from Jane Harnad (OASIS lead - logistics, planning, other)

  1. Booth space layout decision - v1, v2, v3, v4; options previously sent to the group

    One representative from each participating company needs to cast their vote on a preferred layout option by the close of our meeting tomorrow. Please consider sending along your preference in advance of our meeting.  A report on those that responded prior to the meeting will be announced first, followed by a final chance for those that haven't voted yet. The final decision will be announced by the close of the meeting.

    Please note: Unfortunately, if your company was unable to cast their vote in advance or misses tomorrow's meeting -- it will no longer count in this selection process.
  2. Booth Space Location

    Our booth space is located in the South Expo hall is: #821. Exhibit floor plans may be found online at:

    Again, our space will be available for set-up and testing on Monday, 29 February from 8:00-4:00 PM.  The show will open for a special reception Monday evening. The show will be open from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday -- and again on Thursday from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
  3. Company Pod Information

    Each participating company will receive a workstation in the booth that includes: counter space (37"x24"), a 42" monitor, electricity, internet connectivity (with up to two static IP addresses) and space on the demo literature rack.
  4. Registration – booth staff, free expo pass, other

    Two exhibit booth staff passes will be allocated to each participating company. Please send along the information for your two individuals by 31 December. For information on what's included in an exhibit staff pass -- link to: 

    If additional exhibitor badges are available, we will notify the group and accept registrants on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

    Other registration information:  RSA is offering a discounted conference rate, if completed by 29 January.

    Complimentary showfloor passes:  Please remember to share our code with your customers and prospects and request they use it to register for a complimentary Exhibit Hall Only Pass using the code: XEOASIS16.  
  5. Shipping Information

    As a reminder, all costs associated with shipping equipment and/or other items must be covered by the individual participating company. This expense is NOT covered as part of the Interop participation package. Please note that all shipments will incur labor costs, so it is usually best to have them shipped via your main exhibit booth (if applicable) or directly to your hotel. Shipping information will be sent along to the group in early January.

