2nd Tuesday - Regular XLIFF OMOS TC telecenference (Conference Call)

When:  Jun 14, 2016 from 17:00 to 18:00 (WET)

See the private action item for dial in details



A. Admin:

1. Roll call

2. Approve meeting minutes from Maay 10 (May 24 did not reach quorum)


3. Welcome  Robert van Engelen



B. Material:

1. Technical Deliverables

Updated diagram from Lucian


Progress with collaborative UML diagram editting:


Papyrus, an open source option: http://www.eclipse.org/papyrus/download.html

Somewhat older email from Yves on JSON alpha implementation in Lynx


Spec GIT Request – update

Robin said this is in progress and one of last decision points should happen around mid June. Once this becomes available it should be easy to migrate from the temporary github repo managed by merzbauer (dF)

The ticket has been reopened (https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-2303).


Copyright Issues with Submissions

No progress on this https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff-omos/email/archives/201602/msg00021.html.

We will close this one as we're not likely to make use of the thesis beyond standard attributed citation..

TBX Mapping  based on a published paper https://www.localisation.ie/resources/publications/2015/260

This has been properly submitted by James on 24th May through the comment list


James is also joining the TC, in the process of prirep approval

Report from  Working meetings at FESGILTT Dublin, June 7 http://locworld.localizationworl.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/FEISGILTTProgram2016.pdf


TC members, please use group e-mail for communication / comments

Non-TC members, use the commenting facility (send a comment button on TC public page)

2. Assignment of editor roles for the technical deliverables

Actually, we're now ready to move on the TBX mapping front, we're just waiting for the git repo, could decide to move ahead on SVN with this one..

Tabled for JLIFF and OM until we have enough material on wiki.


3. TMX Contribution

Report from Dublin TMX Symposium


dF contacted Jamie on 18th Feb and 8th Mar, and March 30 but no answer so far.

Copyright transfer agreement needs to be negotiated between ETSI and OASIS.


4. Liaisons


ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 wrt reference architecture for big data. (dF)


5. Promotion

Looking for someone to write a high level paper on Why XLIFF 2 (and XLIFF OMOS?)


6. Doodle to check voters availability over the summer

Next meeting on June 28


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum no
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 4 of 19 (21%)
Voting Members: 4 of 9 (44%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 15 (26%)
Voting Companies: 4 of 8 (50%)