Regular monthly LEXIDMA TC meeting

When:  Apr 19, 2021 from 13:30 to 15:00 (WET)

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This preliminary agenda will be finalized by 12th April 2021.

1. Administrative

  • roll call
  • appoint scribe
  • approve minutes from previous meeting
  • Welcome members on behalf of MU

??2. Material

  • DMLex Working Draft
  • DMLex WD Technical discussion
    • Based on technical contributions received by 12th April 2021
    • Development in forks? PRs to review?

3. Closing Admin

  • Recap of agreed actions
  • AOB
  • Adjourn [no later than 1400 UTC]




Minutes meeting 19/4/2021 based on the items on the agenda

1. Administrative

roll call: Tomaz, Simon, John, Iztok, Carole, Milos, Michal, Adam

appoint scribe: Carole is appointed as scribe for today's meeting

approve minutes from 15 March 2021:

The minutes of 15 March are approved.

2. Material

DMLex Working Draft

The technical infrastructure is briefly discussed, but further discussion is postponed to the editing session where David will be present. The working template is on Github. However, Michal found the XML structure overly complicated and decided to reduce the complezity by turning every module in a separate XML document.DocBook is however still considered the preferred format.

DMLex WD Technical discussion

We continue he technical discussion starting from Michal's proposal. It is noted that we discuss the model, but that it is good to keep serialisations in mind.Terms are used as abstract terms not specific to any specific serialisation. We discuss when something should be a separate module. Either we turn as much as possible into separate modules or we put as much as possbile in core except for maybe linking and scoping. This has Michal's preference. John wonders what the technical cost of a module is, and thinks that this should be taken into account in this discussion. It is noted that etymology is missing (which should be a separate module). It is noted that there a still quite a few gaps.

Current design principles remain unchanged at the meeting:

ACTION Michal will rewrite his proposal

3. Closing Admin

Recap of agreed actions.

Next week 26 April, there will be a session for editors. If interested, email Simon or dF.

Next meeting date 17th May 2021 as scheduled, deadline for technical contributions is 10th May 2021

The meeting ended at 15h52 CET.

Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Observing Members: 1 of 2 (50%)
Contributing Members: 7 of 15 (46%)
Voting Members: 6 of 7 (85%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 4 of 9 (44%)
Voting Companies: 3 of 4 (75%)