Weekly Messaging TC call

When:  Aug 24, 2005 from 14:30 to 16:00 (PT)
Description: ebXML Messaging Weekly Call Phone Number: +1 770-765-9301 Conference Code: 457756 Thank you Pete / SeeBeyond

Agenda: 1. Role 2. Packaging continued Header organisation and naming - need resolution; WS-Addressing - can we get some advice?; Actor/Role 3. Pull MEP & functionality definition - review and confirm decisions - Need to produce a section for the spec. 4. Jaques updated intermittent connection e-mail 5. A.O.B. 6. Host and date of next meeting 7. Future agenda items a) Packaging b) Use case(s) for uptime schedule c) Need for intermediaries d) Actor and Role elements e) Header targets - which parts belong to whom f) Order of processing of components

