TOSCA TC Regular Meeting (2017)

When:  Aug 31, 2017 from 12:00 to 13:30 (ET)

IMPORTANT: Please examine this entire event description for a handy list of resources, responsibilities, and more!

P H O N E, W E B   C O N F E R E N C I N G, A N D   C H A T R O O M
Due to prankster calls, this meeting will use the phone bridge and web conferencing tool (also the new chatroom URL) specified by the co-chairs privately to all TC members. Please contact the co-chairs from your OASIS registered email address if you have a problem. 

R E C O R D   Y O U R   O W N   A T T E N D A N C E
Participants are responsible to log their attendance on this Kavi calendar entry. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the chair to record your attendance on your behalf.

Y O U R   S C R I B E   R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Every person in the TC is asked to take their turn at scribing a meeting. You are encouraged to volunteer, and the co-chairs make this easy by providing a "cheatsheet" to make the task easy. Otherwise, when your name is called by the co-chair, please take your turn. You will use the chat room for the initial scribing.

T R A C K   Y O U R   V O T I N G   R I G H T S
Participants are responsible for the state of their voting rights. The co-chairs will endeavor to update the roster at before meetings. Except for leaves of absence, the general rule is that a Voting Member who is absent from two consecutive meetings loses his or her voting rights at the end of the second Meeting missed, and a TC Member who has lost his or her voting rights shall regain them by attending two consecutive meetings after the end of the second Meeting attended. (see the TC Process section 2.4.4 for more details).


O T H E R   R E S O U R C E S 


TOSCA JIRA Project (all proposals and issues):

TOSCA Wiki: Informal Collaboration (NOT a substitute for the OASIS TOSCA site!):

OASIS Youtube TOSCA Playlist:

TC standing rules for JIRA mandate that all technical and deliverable proposals and issues be in the form of JIRA issues and will only be voted upon after 1 week. Issues can be discussed at any time. For details, see the approved proposal at:


Welcome / Roll
Co-chair appoints a scribe (continues to solicit volunteers for future meetings, as needed)
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes

* August 17:
** Thanks to Matej Artac for scribing

Welcome to recently joined TC Members and Observers (those first announced in today's TC meeting listed in italics)Mr. Laurens Van Hoye from IDLab (Observer), Mr. Bruno Volckaert from IDLab (Observer), Mr. Gregory Vanseghbroeck from IDLab (Observer), Merlijn Sebrechts from IDLab (Observer), Pieter-Jan Maenhaut from IDLab (Observer), and Jim Fowler from US Department of Defense (Observer)

Co-chair updates, remarks, notables, possible motions, etc.
May include overviews and updates of a more general nature or affecting the TC, as a whole, etc. 

Industry Updates and TOSCA-related News from TC Members 
An opportunity for other news from TC members (outside of other agenda items and reports)  

NOTE: The Below Reports May be Tabled or Order Determined During Meeting by Co-Chairs
See explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence

CSD01 CANDIDATE WALKTHROUGH: YAML Simple Profile Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Luc Boutier and Matt Rutkowski) 
NOTE: Motions to begin advance v1.1 CS01 to full OASIS Standard & v1.2 rev11 to CSD01 will likely be entertained

TOSCA-7 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* 2017-08-30: CANDIDATE CSD01 and latest v1.2 Working Draft (wd01, rev 11, redline version) can be found here
* 2017-08-29: meeting notes:
* 2017-08-15: meeting notes:
* 2017-08-08: meeting notes:
* 2017-08-01 meeting notes: 
* Older v1.0 OASIS Standard documents

Instance Model Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Frank Chauvel and Derek Palma) 
TOSCA-275 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* 2017-08-21 meeting notes:
* Latest draft (WD01 Rev. 4):
?* NOTE: See 2017-01-17 Instance Model Overview Presentation

NFV Ad Hoc Group (co-leaders: Shitao Li and Alex Vul)
TOSCA-221 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)
* Latest TC-approved milestone is CSD04 of 2017-05-19. See notice to TC with links here.
* 2017-08-17: Progress of NFV Ad Hoc Report
* 2017-08-23 meeting notes:
Progress Report Document for June 2017:
* Latest Liaison Statement to ETSI NFV candidate (TC-approved):
* Latest Liaison Statement from ETSI NFV (informational, not received through OASIS official channels): look here

Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (co-leaders: Jeremy Hess and Lowell Higley)
1. Please share your TOSCA news, discussion, blogs, articles, resources in our LinkedIN group NOW.
1a. Remember to LIKE posts in the TOSCA LinkedIN Group! Join and refer people now!
2. Post your TOSCA articles, blogs, and implementations on the TOSCA Wiki now!
3. Interested in helping get the word out about TOSCA. Attend the next Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc Meeting (contact Jeremy Hess or Lowell Higley (or Paul Lipton))

** All current TC approved videos at the OASIS TOSCA YouTube Playlist
TOSCA-131 (general group activity, and suggestions/questions/contributions from TC members)

Interoperability Subcommittee Report (Co-Chairs: Luc Boutier and Jacques Durand) 
* JOIN HERE (remember to remind your OASIS Primary Representative to approve afterwards)
Find the latest recognized work in progress, OASIS TOSCA Test Assertions v1.0 Committee Note Draft 01 (2016 Dec) here
*  Find the OASIS TOSCA Test Assertion Repo here
* * You can send contributions for review to the Co-Chairs or post to the JIRA issue, but to to contribute directly to the Repo, you will need to sign an individual CLA (see FAQ for more on individual (and optional entity) CLAs here)

TOSCA and Edge/Fog/Mist Computing -- Option to Continue Open Discussion & Solicit Members
As some members have indicated interest in an IoT/Edge/Fog/Mist Computing Ad Hoc, a brief opportunity for discussion/socialization of the idea may be made available. 


Cross-cutting Concerns, Issues, Suggestions, Questions for ALL Documents and Deliverables 
NOTE: All the below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. As always, technical issues must be posted in JIRA issues at least 48 hours to be considered by the TC. Naturally, any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue. Upload related documents to the OASIS website (please add links to the uploaded document in the JIRA issue). Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions or problems. 
TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability

REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issue


Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum yes
Individual Attendance Observing Members: 1 of 62 (1%)
Contributing Members: 15 of 117 (12%)
Voting Members: 13 of 17 (76%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Observing Companies: 1 of 10 (10%)
Contributing Companies: 13 of 35 (37%)
Voting Companies: 12 of 15 (80%)