PMRM TC Monthly Meeting

When:  Oct 14, 2014 from 10:30 to 12:00 (ET)

This is a regular TC meeting.  Gershon Janssen will distribute call-in information in advance of the meeting. 


  • Roll Call of Members and Welcome
  • PMRM definitions discussion (with Stuart Shapiro)
  • Updates from Members on PMRM-relevant privacy activities
  • Discussion items:
  •  “Requirements” vs. Controls
  • Mapping PMRM elements White Paper abstract
  • PMRM TC long-range objective adoption – intermediate steps: committee aids/notes, white paper, tools, outreach to specific external organizations
  • use case(s) status and next steps
  • Other Business
  • Adjourn






Meeting Statistics
Quorum rule 51% of voting members
Achieved quorum no
Individual Attendance Contributing Members: 2 of 31 (6%)
Voting Members: 1 of 8 (12%) (used for quorum calculation)
Company Attendance Contributing Companies: 2 of 18 (11%)
Voting Companies: 1 of 4 (25%)