OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Attributes for topicrefs that use @keyref

    Posted 07-28-2010 11:07

    The section “ Processing key references”, mentions:

                    “The attributes that are common to a key definition element and a key reference element using that key, other than the @keys and @id attributes, are combined as for content references, including……..”

    As I understand, I see concerns for other attributes that will get combined/derived. Like if @href is derived from the key defining element, then the fallback target of the topicref shall be lost… or in other words the @href mentioned in key defining element shall get used as the fallback in all the topicrefs referring to that key.


    Tarun Garg

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Attributes for topicrefs that use @keyref

    Posted 08-16-2010 18:26
    Hi Tarun,
    The href behavior you are describing is correct. The @href value is only a
    fallback value for instances where the key does not resolve; if the key
    resolves, then the original @href value is never used. That is the primary
    purpose of the keyref function.
    Are there other attributes that cause concern?
    Robert D Anderson
    IBM Authoring Tools Development
    Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
    From:	Tarun Garg 

  • 3.  RE: [dita] Attributes for topicrefs that use @keyref

    Posted 08-25-2010 08:40
    Hi Robert,
    Thanks a lot for explaining.
    Also, what about the @keyref, @conkeyref and @class ?
    I think these shouldn't be combined.
    Tarun Garg | Adobe Systems | +91-120-2444711 | tarung@adobe.com