Here is how I addressed the comments received on working draft 01. Hal's comments: I refactored the introduction as Hal suggested. Section 1.1 is a non-normative, high-level overview of what is contained in the profile along with a couple of diagrams in the spirit of what Hal provided and some of his phrasing. The discussion of alternative approaches and their failings is now in the non-normative Section 2. The few normative statements from the old introduction are now in the normative Section 3. Because Section 3 refers to the entity data-type I moved the entity data-type section ahead of quantified expressions in the profile to become the new Section 4. There are lots of red lines because of that, but there are no significant changes. Following Hal's endorsement I stuck with "domain". Sorry John! Erik's comments: The split up of the introduction deals with the mix of normative and non-normative content in the old introduction. On the "primitive" data-type issue I mostly dropped the qualification and added a clarification that the entity data-type is usable wherever XACML 3.0 specifies a primitive data-type is required. That deals with the incongruity of calling the entity data-type a primitive type. The consolidated XML Schema definitions in the appendix have been extracted to a separate file and there is now an explicit comment in Section 1.3 that the schema fragments still in the profile are non-normative. Mohammad's comments: I reworded the descriptions of the quantified expressions to remove any suggestion that there is an order in which the values in the domain are considered and added explicit statements of what the result is when the domain is empty. John's comments: I didn't change the attribute identifiers for the reasons I gave in the follow ups to John's message and because of Hal's recommendation to avoid links between profiles. The approved exports example may be a source of confusion depending on one's background knowledge. Does anyone think I need to work on that a bit more ? Did I miss anyone ? Regards, Steven On 11/06/2015 4:18 PM, Steven Legg wrote: /Submitter's message/ This is a revision of working draft 01 with changes tracked. There are no technical changes; all the changes are purely editorial. I will provide details in a separate email. -- Dr. Steven Legg *Document Name*: XACML v3.0 Related and Nested Entities Profile Version 1.0 < > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *Description* It is not unusual for access control policy to be dependent on attributes that are not naturally properties of the access subject or resource, but rather are properties of entities that are related to the access subject or resource. This profile defines the means to reference such attributes from within XACML policies for processing by a policy decision point. Download Latest Revision < > Public Download Link < > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *Submitter*: Dr. Steven Legg *Group*: OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC *Folder*: Specifications and Working Drafts *Date submitted*: 2015-06-10 23:17:51