I have made some editorial fixes in the master document for Part 3 in GitHub. These relate to Office-4030 and impact 20.404.4 and 20.404.6 in minor ways: - in 20.404.4 the reference to UAX9 should link to the Normative References and should not link externally; - in 20.404.6 some text was styled incorrectly with a character style. Francis Sent from my iPad On 21 Aug 2023, at 21:10, Francis Cave <
francis@franciscave.com> wrote: ï Dear ODF TC member My thanks to Alfred Hellstern for making me aware that I haven t circulated an up-to-date draft of the ODF 1.4 progress spreadsheet. I do so now. Please note that I ve added two columns (E and F) and I ve added values to every row in column G. These are in order to assist you with filtering. I have also added resolution text to JIRA issue OFFICE-4030. In doing so, I have noticed some editorial issues in some of the new text associated with this issue in the current master document, which I will fix shortly. Kind regards, Francis <ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet 2023-08-21.ods> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: