OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC

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Unfinished Business in WS-Calendar

  • 1.  Unfinished Business in WS-Calendar

    Posted 04-06-2021 09:41
    Sorry to be late, but I have been lost in current events. We are past time to re-certify or re-charter the existence of this TC. There were only two replies when last I asked, each wanted to keep the TC open. Bill Cox wants to keep the TC open to potentially respond to any issues that arise when profiling OASIS Energy Interoperation into the Common Transactive Services. an extremely light-weight profile derived from 5 years of NIST/IEEE work on what I have come to recognize as Actor model messaging. Mike Douglas is interested VPoll, and the new JSON for calendars (jscalendar). That second one might be especially interesting in light of the new JADN specification coming out of OpenC2. I'm willing to go along. That makes 3 of the four voting members are on-board. We can simply vote to kepp the TC active, but we have the additional duty to reverify the Charter. We can refine the Charter (reducing scope) or we can change the charter (a bit more process heavy), or we can confirm it as it is. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ws-calendar/charter.php We have completed about half the things listed. We never really delved into REST or SOAP. The work of this TC is deeply embedded into smart grid work as initially anticipated. The current CTS work does delve deeper into smaller, lighter-weight IOT communications. VPOLL was not mentioned initially, but it can be squeezed into the original goal of verifying the RFC work through OASIS. VPOLL could, perhaps, fit under the IOT umbrellas as well. The JSON work fits right alongside the Charter-anticipated SOAP and REST work. I think we could argue that re-verifying the Charter as-is is appropriate. If there are no counter, we can establish a special majority vote for that, as well as a vote to keep the TC open. We should meet to verify this. As the VPOLL work is not yet done, we cannot set this time in this email. One "feature" of the recertification is that everyone who shows up at that call can at that moment become a voting member.   Please send me some initial thoughts on scheduling this meeting, and I will set up a doodle poll. We will need all voting members to maintain a minimal viable group, and so we will want a time good for all. (Gershon? You are still a voting member, but I have not heard from you.)  Also, please let me know if you have a preference for one of the many, many, on-line meeting tools that have become so popular in the last year.  Let's try to meet Friday or next week. tc  The CTS work listed above