XLIFF Inline Markup SC

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Type attributes in inline codes

  • 1.  Type attributes in inline codes

    Posted 10-30-2012 14:43
    Hi all, To follow up on the face-to-face meeting in Redmond: We have a consensus at the TC level for the 'translation state' to be represented with two attributes a state with a pre-defined fixed list of values and a subState with user values that follow the patter <prefix>;<value>. We do have the same pattern of a top-level value and a user sub-value with the type attribute of the inline codes: type="<to-level-value>[/<user-prefix>:<user-value>" I think we should have a common way to represent identical pattern across the format, so I propose to change our type attributes to: type="<top-level-value>" and subType="<user-prefix>:<user-value>". The values and definitions would remain the same as now. One new requirement would be that if subType is present, type must also be defined. Any thoughts? Cheers, -yves