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Tentative release of Akoma Ntoso 3.0 (22 June 2023)

  • 1.  Tentative release of Akoma Ntoso 3.0 (22 June 2023)

    Posted 06-22-2023 13:07
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    Dear all, please find enclosed a tentative release of Akoma Ntoso dated 22 June 2023. This release aims at providing an update on several modification requests discussed and approved by the TC in these months and reviewed last time on the meeting of June 14th, 2023. Please check thoroughly if I managed to generate a correct and complete schema, I did some changes I am not completely sure of. These are the new features: NON-BACKWARD COMPATIBLE CHANGES - changed pattern of element <caption> from inline to blocksopt. ****This change is NON-backward-compatible. All existing <caption> elements are now INVALID.**** If we are sure of this,. let's go on, otherwise please let me know. Requests # 18, 23, 71. BACKWARD COMPATIBLE CHANGES - added <caption> in the subFlowStructure type. Requests # 18, 23, 71. - Added element <interstitial> in group ANHier, althierarchy, speechType, itemType, recitalHierarchy, citationHierarchy, basicopt, preambleopt, prefaceopt, blockCOntainerType (i.e., everywhere <crossHeading> is allowed) Requests # 61. - added <num>, <heading> and <subheading> to maincontent Requests # 76. - Added element <witness> in the same contexts where, e.g., <lawyer> or <judge> where already present. Requests # 79. - added attributes @calName and @verbatim to all date-like elements (e.g., <date>, <FRBRdate> etc.) for the description of native representation of non-Gregorian date. Requests # 81. - Added value "source" for <remark>, to "identify a non-authoritative sourcing information (e.g., the ordinance that created a change) usually within square brackets." Requests # 82. - Added a new type definesRef for the <defines> element as "references to existing def elements only, i.e., given an existing eId of a def of the form XYZ, the value is necessarily #XYZ". Requests # 73. - added value "informative" to @status attribute for content that "is authoritative but not normative." Requests # 53. - added optional @refersTo and @showAs attribute to many elements in the metadata section (complex type metaopt and derived types). Requests # 75. - added a new documentType, judgmentSummary, for describing the summary of a judgment provided by a different author than the judge. Requests # 74. - added elements <new> and <old> to all modifications in <metadata>. Requests # 84. Ciao Fabio Attachment: Release 20230622.zip Description: Zip archive -- Fabio Vitali The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics go to their graves Univ. of Bologna ITALY alike in this respect: phone: +39 051 2094872 both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/ Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code


    Release 20230622.zip   57 KB 1 version