Lightweight DITA SC

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Strawman deliverables list

  • 1.  Strawman deliverables list

    Posted 09-15-2014 13:38
    Author role definition         Marketing author         Training author         Developer         Business writer (policies/procedures)         Other?         Design artifacts         Scenarios, personas for author roles Core architecture         mapping to full DITA         Lightweight specialization format Authoring format definitions         Core XML (XDITA)         HTML5 (HDITA)         Wiki - Wordpress? (WikiDITA)         markdown (markDITA)         Word? OpenOffice? Others?         Templates and mapping transforms for each format PoCs         For authoring and delivery The name game         Is Lightweight DITA good enough? Is the DITA name a help or a hindrance for adoption?         What are some alternatives?                 Another acronym, like CAKE (content authoring for the knowledge ecosystem), PAF (portable authoring framework), XFAS (cross-format authoring specification)?                 A one-word evocative name, like Helium, Portable, Adapt, Evolve? Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) Enterprise Content Technology Strategist