CTI TC: In support of the Agenda for the upcoming full TC meetings to be held this Thursday, September 21st we are inviting members of the community to volunteer to say a few words about any conferences or events that presented implementations of tools using STIX2.1 or TAXII2.1. Please reach out to Emily, Marlon, Alexandre, Jonathan or I if you would like to give a 3-to-5 minute summary of an event that you participated in. As Marlon suggested during the June full TC meetings we want to start systematically facilitating outreach and awareness segments during our TC calls to use our monthly meetings as an opportunity for all of us to learn about what is happening in the broader ecosystem. Note that this is different from the Community Development Corner (CDC) presentations which will generally be provided by individuals outside of the TC. CDC events are recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Our intent moving forward is that the Quick Briefs are by TC members / for TC members. Quick Briefs will be covered in the first 30 minutes of our calls and are NOT recorded. CDC presentations will be covered in the last 30 minutes of our calls and they WILL be recorded. Best regards, Jane Ginn Co-Secretary CTI TC