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FW: Mini-workshop on ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity

  • 1.  FW: Mini-workshop on ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity

    Posted 02-11-2024 21:36
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    Passing this along FYI as I believe it is of relevance to STIX and to this community in general. Although ITU requires membership, this workshop is open to all.
    X.1060 is an ITU recommendation on Framework for the creation and operation of a cyber defence centre .
    It is free, available in 6 languages and earlier drafts had STIX in the text (removed since we re still fighting the fight to get STIX an ITU standard). You can read the standard at
    https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1060-202106-I . It is quite popular in rest of world , particularly in developing countries. They have been sharing best practices and IMHO it would help STIX awareness
    and adoption if more of this community participated in that community and recommended STIX best practices.

    Duncan Sparrell
    sFractal Consulting
    iPhone, iTypo, iApologize
    I welcome VSRE emails. Learn more at  http://vsre.info /


    t22sg17all-request@lists.itu.int <t22sg17all-request@lists.itu.int> on behalf of TSB SG17 Secretariat, ITU <tsbsg17@itu.int>
    Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 8:50 AM
    To: t22sg17all@lists.itu.int <t22sg17all@lists.itu.int>
    Cc: "NAGANUMA MIHO( ææãçä )" <m_naganuma@nec.com>
    Subject: [T17ALL] Mini-workshop on ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity


    Mini-workshop on ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity
    (Geneva, Switzerland, 22 February 2024)
    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is organizing a mini-workshop on  ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity  in Geneva,
    Switzerland, 22 February 2024.
    The mini-workshop is being organised by

    Question 3/17 (Telecommunication information security management and security services) under  ITU-T Study Group 17  (Security) with the main objective of showcasing
    Recommendation ITU-T X.1060 and facilitating the exchange of best practices in securing digital infrastructure in the context of
    ITU-T X.1060 .
    Detailed information on the mini-workshop is available at:

    https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Workshops-and-Seminars/2024/0222/Pages/default.aspx .
    Participation is free of charge and open to all but
    registration is mandatory for both in-person and remote participation here:

    https://www.itu.int/net4/CRM/xreg/web/Registration.aspx?Event=C-00013693 .
    For more information, kindly contact the Q3/17 Rapporteur, Miho Naganuma ( m_naganuma@nec.com ) or TSB ( tsbsg17@itu.int ).