UBL Organisation Master Data SC

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  • 1.  20220413 Notes

    Posted 04-13-2022 12:13
    We clarify that the Form CO is a form that is used to allow the competent authority to review and clear before their implementation , mergers, acquisition of control and certain types of newly formed joint-ventures. This means that the document will support also this use case. As a consequence: The information we deal with can be exchanged before the potential registration of the event or after as its publication. therefore "Notice" is too restrictive and we propose instead "Business Information Document" removing "Registration" as it can also be used to support 'Form CO'. Elements NoticeType and NoticePurpose are optional and used only when the document is a Notification. As agreed in the previous meeting, NoticePurpose is changed to 'OperationType'. The elements of the Document master data and the library are checked. We have to revert to a previous version. Yves: to key in again the examples that are lost due to reverting to a previous version. New Action: change the definition of the Business Information Document. The next meeting will start at 14.