OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Re: [xliff] Mime type values

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] Mime type values

    Posted 02-25-2003 16:56
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] Mime type values

    Hi Bryan,
    This looks good. I had tried using an enumeration but ran into a problem with the pattern. Your enumerated approach does what I want.
    BTW: I looked about a bit for a good reference or primer on the regular expressions but didn't find anything. Can you recommend anything/

    >>> <bryan.s.schnabel@exgate.tek.com> 2/25/03 2:47:31 PM >>>

    I think the following fulfills the requirement the TC asked me to solve this
    morning regarding mimetype, and optional subtypes.

    Note; I took a look at the "purpose" model. I like it, but concluded it
    would not fit this requirement (this is different because we want to allow
    any one item from an enumerated list, with an optional "/. . ." pattern
    concatenated to it).

    So I could only come up with the regular expression approach (though I think
    this will be easy enough to maintain, as long as the list of media types
    remains manageable).

    <xsd:simpleType name="mime-typeValueListBlock">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">


    If we then change the mime-type attributes to this:

    <xsd:attribute name="mime-type" type="xlf:mime-typeValueListBlock" . . .

    The XSD correctly validates these samples:


    But rejects these samples:

    mime-type="image gif"

    The regular expression approach also allows mime-typeValueListBlock to be
    added to the datatypeValueList union.
    (I investigated a somewhat complex union of enumerations and simpletypes,
    but ran into limitations having to do with atomic and list type restrictions
    -- I'd be happy to elaborate off line to any one interested in the details).

    Please let me know if you think I should push a bit harder on the
    mime-typeValueList, or if there might be a better approach.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: John Reid [mailto:JREID@novell.com]
        Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 9:10 AM
        To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
        Subject: Re: [xliff] Mime type values
        Hi Tony,
        Is there a way we could allow subtype specification in the schema
    without specifying all the known media subtypes; e.g. "image/gif"? In other
    words, can we enumerate a list of types with an undefined subtype list in a
    pattern? If not, I guess we are stuck with listing only the media types.

        >>> Tony Jewtushenko <tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com> 2/24/03 4:21:56
    AM >>>
        Hi all:
        An open 1.1 issue
    <http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200207/msg00033.html> yet to be
    fully resolved relates to the list of Mime types. Assuming that we only list
    the media types and don't attempt to capture subtypes (there's no closed
    list), according to RFC2046 <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt> the list
    of mime types should be:
        We could try to list all known types in our spec, but I don't
    recommend this because the list would be both enormous and always
    incomplete. However, we could list the basic type for each (which are
    provided as examples in the RFC itiself).
        What's the opinion of the group?
        Tony Jewtushenko
        Sr. Tools Program Manager            direct tel:
        Product Management - Tools Technology Team
        Oracle Corporation, Ireland

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