OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Promoting your company on the new XML.org site for ebXML

  • 1.  Promoting your company on the new XML.org site for ebXML

    Posted 02-07-2007 18:01
    The OASIS ebXML Joint Committee has created a new XML.org community web site,
    http://ebxml.xml.org/, which offers a great vehicle for you to receive
    recognition for your support of ebXML. The site, which will be publicly
    launched in the coming weeks, will serve as a community gathering place and
    information resource to advance the adoption of ebXML. It provides technical
    and educational materials, collaborative workspaces, an events calendar, news,
    forums, blogs, product listings, testimonials, and a resource directory. 
    If you are involved in ebXML, please take a moment to register for the site at
    http://ebxml.xml.org/user/register and then:
    * list your company's ebXML-related product at http://ebxml.xml.org/products
    and/or your ebXML service at http://ebxml.xml.org/services.
    * voice your company's support for ebXML by posting an endorsement at
    * consider creating a ebXML blog on the site
    * add links to future press releases or news stories at
    * promote your ebXML-related presentations at upcoming conferences, webinars,
    and training sessions at http://ebxml.xml.org/events
    * add other content in our recommended Resources section at
    Annual sponsorship of this site--which includes having your company's linked
    logo on every page, special listings, and a featured quote in the upcoming
    press release--is available for 5,500 USD. Contact peter.roden@oasis-open.org
    for more information.
    Thanks for your support,
    Carol Geyer
    Director of Communications
    +1.978.667.5115 x209 
    OASIS Symposium:
    "eBusiness and Open Standards: 
    Understanding the Facts, Fiction, and Future"
    15-18 April 2007 San Diego, CA USA