OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Conflict for the meeting tomorrow (Nov 7)

  • 1.  Conflict for the meeting tomorrow (Nov 7)

    Posted 11-06-2023 20:39
    Sorry for the late notice, but I have a conflict with a conference ( Unicode Technology Workshop 2023) : https://www.unicode.org/events/utw/program/#tue I wasn't sure I would have to attend until the last minute. But it looks like I have to. Sorry, and regards, Mihai -- IÂsupportÂflexibleÂwork schedules, andÂIâm sending this email now because it is within the hoursÂIâm working today. Please do not feel obliged to reply straight away. IÂunderstand that you will reply during the hours you work, which may not match mine.