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Subject: [Fwd: [OASIS members] Call For Presentations: OASIS Symposium]
Rick - your SC should consider presenting at this.
-----Forwarded Message-----
> From: Karl F. Best <>
> To:,
> Subject: [OASIS members] Call For Presentations: OASIS Symposium
> Date: 19 Dec 2003 17:19:55 -0500
> The OASIS Symposium on Reliable Infrastructures for XML
> April 26th and 27th, 2004 in New Orleans, Louisiana
> Call for Presentations
> OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
> Standards, invites you to submit a proposal for a presentation, panel
> discussion or tutorial for the OASIS Symposium on Reliable
> Infrastructures for XML. The goals of the symposium are to:
> * Provide a forum for OASIS Technical Committee members to exchange
> ideas and present results of ongoing work, works-in-progress, etc.;
> * Identify areas where coordination between standards efforts is needed
> to promote interoperability;
> * Identify unaddressed topics where standards development is needed;
> * Enable outside experts to present issues / opportunities to OASIS members.
> The symposium will be followed by two days available to OASIS Technical
> Committees, Joint Committees and Member Sections for face-to-face
> working sessions. The OASIS Annual General Meeting will also be held in
> conjunction with the symposium.
> Overview
> Many different (and partially interchangeable) technologies are proposed
> or available to increase the reliability of XML-based messaging and
> networking infrastructure. These include technologies applied:
> * At the transport layer (e.g. reliable messaging specifications);
> * At the application layer (e.g. transaction protocols);
> * At intermediate levels (e.g. routing, point-to-point compared to
> end-to-end);
> * By using Message-Oriented Middleware as a carrier for XML messages.
> We define "reliable" to mean that implementing one or more of these
> technologies in an infrastructure removes some of the burden of ensuring
> application integrity from software programmers and architects.
> The OASIS Symposium is focused on exploring the current state of these
> technologies and exploring areas where open standards are needed.
> Instructions
> The symposium program committee invites you to submit a proposal for a
> presentation, panel discussion or tutorial that addresses technologies
> and standards for reliable XML infrastructures.
> Presentations should be 30 minutes long including question and answer.
> Sessions will consist of related presentations, ending with a
> question-and-answer session directed to the presenters.
> Panel sessions should be 60 minutes long. Proposals for panels should
> include the topic, 3-to-4 potential panelists (name and/or role) and
> proposed format (e.g. Q&A, short presentations).
> Tutorials should be 1/2 day sessions. Tutorial proposals should state
> intended audience and learning objectives.
> Proposals should address topics in reliability as applied to XML-based
> communications at the technology and implementation levels, ideally
> driven by usage scenarios. Special consideration will be given to
> proposals that:
> * Compare and contrast multiple related technologies (clear comparisons
> of published and forthcoming XML transaction protocols) with a view
> toward guidance for application architects;
> * Support and consider decisions about choice of appropriate
> technologies (e.g. use of reliable messaging and simpler protocols
> rather than transactional termination protocols);
> * Place OASIS technologies in a broader context of competing or
> complementary specifications (e.g. relating OASIS work to the variety of
> published reliable messaging specifications);
> * Consider alternative approaches to transaction management (e.g. local
> rollback versus compensation-based protocols);
> * Compare reliability techniques for environmental models containing
> benign threats versus malign threats;
> * Consider techniques for ensuring accountability of origin and receipt;
> * Discuss the impact of digital signatures and encryption on reliability
> techniques.
> OASIS will publish proceedings of the symposium. Authors should arrange
> for any necessary releases for publication prior to submission of their
> proposal.
> To submit a proposal, please send the following information by email to
> * The full contact details (name, affiliation, email, phone, postal
> address) of one presenter who will act as the primary contact for the
> proposal or panel discussion;
> * The full list of authors;
> * A 1-page abstract outlining the subject and key points of your
> proposal, panel discussion or tutorial.
> All submissions will be acknowledged.
> Important dates
> Symposium 26th and 27th April 2004
> Location New Orleans
> Proposals Due 9 February 2004
> Notification to submitters 15 March 2004
> Materials Due 12 April 2004
> Program Committee
> The Program Committee is the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB):
> * Karl Best, OASIS
> * Derek Coleman, HP
> * William Cox, BEA
> * Chet Ensign, LexisNexis
> * Chris Ferris, IBM
> * Eduardo Gutentag, Sun
> * Jackson He, Intel
> * Tim Moses, Entrust
> * Krishna Sankar, Cisco
> * Pete Wenzel, SeeBeyond
> For further information, send email to
> _______________________________________________________________
> This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
> communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
>, however, all members are strongly
> encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
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