OpenDocument - Adv Document Collab SC

  • 1.  IRC log from today's meeting - 2013-10-23

    Posted 10-23-2013 14:11
    Please find the IRC log of today's meeting below. Our next meeting will be in two weeks on the 6th of November. NOTE: We decided to suggest to start one hour later, as long someone from Asian area is on the call. Please protest, if it does not suit you, the time would be: The teleconference login data for next call will be found in the OASIS calendar event (URL above). Attendees: John, Oliver, Camilla, Svante. [15:30] Svante Schubert: Hello [15:34]  Svante Schubert: There will be a OSBA (Open Source Business Aliance) meeting next week in Stuttgart [15:34]  Svante Schubert: Tuesday & Wednesday about improving change-tracking in LO/AO [15:34]  Svante Schubert: German cities are doing some funding (the long story short) [15:36]  Svante Schubert: I have uploaded an update on our draft - [15:37]  Svante Schubert: In the past month I have stumbled over two problems that will influence our ODF change-tracking and should therefore be fixed for ODF 1.3: [15:39]  Svante Schubert: I have updated some use cases about ODF normalization [15:41]  Svante Schubert: Oliver: I think it is better to discuss the draft changes on the mailing list as they had happened today and discuss it on next call [15:43]  Svante Schubert: Camilla: Reports about the GSoC work, the basics of the programming work [15:45]  Svante Schubert: How can I determine the feature set coverage of MSO change-tracking [15:46]  Svante Schubert: Does the DOCX W3C Schema already cover it? [15:46]  Svante Schubert: There was once a reference on the list to a Fraunhofer Test document, but .. [15:46]  Svante Schubert: it was very rudimentary (basic) [15:46]  Svante Schubert: some text, some styles a table.. [15:48]  Svante Schubert: Test document would be great! [15:48]  Svante Schubert: documents [15:49]  Svante Schubert: I would be curious, how it is possible to test. [15:50]  Svante Schubert: Is it sufficient to copy a very high featured test document into an office with change-tracking enabled? [15:51]  Svante Schubert: ^^still asking myself how to test change-tracking most reasonable [15:51]  Svante Schubert: I guess we need some office interaction - like macros? [15:51]  Svante Schubert: Accepting/Rejecting changes [15:52]  Svante Schubert: There are three questions of mine: [15:52]  Svante Schubert: 1) What is the feature set of MSO 15 (latest) change-tracking [15:52]  Svante Schubert: 2) Do you have test documents, we might reuse? [15:52]  Svante Schubert: 3) What is the best practise in testing change-tracking (automation?) [15:56]  Svante Schubert: Would this suit you better? -- [15:58]  Svante Schubert: [15:59]  Svante Schubert: Let us do than [16:00]  Svante Schubert: byebye [16:00]  Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: bye [16:00]  Camilla Boemann: bye

  • 2.  RE: [office-collab] IRC log from today's meeting - 2013-10-23

    Posted 10-23-2013 22:24
    Svante asked me which features Microsoft Office supports in change tracking.  I started from the table in the ECT proposal (for convenience, since I spent some time creating that set of features) and added a column for Word 2013.  See attached.  I don’t have test documents, I simply opened Word, turned on change tracking and added/deleted/modified various objects to see what was tracked (accepting changes along the way to be clear what Word was tracking).   BTW, Oliver-Rainer, thanks for suggesting we move the calls an hour later. :)   John   From: [] On Behalf Of Svante Schubert Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 7:11 AM To: Subject: [office-collab] IRC log from today's meeting - 2013-10-23   Please find the IRC log of today's meeting below. Our next meeting will be in two weeks on the 6th of November.   NOTE: We decided to suggest to start one hour later, as long someone from Asian area is on the call. Please protest, if it does not suit you, the time would be: The teleconference login data for next call will be found in the OASIS calendar event (URL above). Attendees: John, Oliver, Camilla, Svante. [15:30] Svante Schubert: Hello [15:34] Svante Schubert: There will be a OSBA (Open Source Business Aliance) meeting next week in Stuttgart [15:34] Svante Schubert: Tuesday & Wednesday about improving change-tracking in LO/AO [15:34] Svante Schubert: German cities are doing some funding (the long story short) [15:36] Svante Schubert: I have uploaded an update on our draft - [15:37] Svante Schubert: In the past month I have stumbled over two problems that will influence our ODF change-tracking and should therefore be fixed for ODF 1.3: [15:39] Svante Schubert: I have updated some use cases about ODF normalization [15:41] Svante Schubert: Oliver: I think it is better to discuss the draft changes on the mailing list as they had happened today and discuss it on next call [15:43] Svante Schubert: Camilla: Reports about the GSoC work, the basics of the programming work [15:45] Svante Schubert: How can I determine the feature set coverage of MSO change-tracking [15:46] Svante Schubert: Does the DOCX W3C Schema already cover it? [15:46] Svante Schubert: There was once a reference on the list to a Fraunhofer Test document, but .. [15:46] Svante Schubert: it was very rudimentary (basic) [15:46] Svante Schubert: some text, some styles a table.. [15:48] Svante Schubert: Test document would be great! [15:48] Svante Schubert: documents [15:49] Svante Schubert: I would be curious, how it is possible to test. [15:50] Svante Schubert: Is it sufficient to copy a very high featured test document into an office with change-tracking enabled? [15:51] Svante Schubert: ^^still asking myself how to test change-tracking most reasonable [15:51] Svante Schubert: I guess we need some office interaction - like macros? [15:51] Svante Schubert: Accepting/Rejecting changes [15:52] Svante Schubert: There are three questions of mine: [15:52] Svante Schubert: 1) What is the feature set of MSO 15 (latest) change-tracking [15:52] Svante Schubert: 2) Do you have test documents, we might reuse? [15:52] Svante Schubert: 3) What is the best practise in testing change-tracking (automation?) [15:56] Svante Schubert: Would this suit you better? -- [15:58] Svante Schubert: [15:59] Svante Schubert: Let us do than [16:00] Svante Schubert: byebye [16:00] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: bye [16:00] Camilla Boemann: bye   Attachment: Word supported CT.ODT Description: Word supported CT.ODT

  • 3.  MSO CT support (earlier -- Re: [office-collab] IRC log from today's meeting - 2013-10-23)

    Posted 10-24-2013 15:28
    Hello John, Thanks for your quick reply. Some minor follow-up questions: What MS Office version have you been testing? Are there lately differences in versions? Under ODf 1.2 Format change you wrote: Tracks change but no history . I do not fully understand, could you please rephrase it to me? AFAIK the main difference in regard of format change in ODF 1.2 is that no changes of template styles are supported. Under MSO support of Add column you have written Word notes a change to table formatting, if part of it was resized . How is this different to Resize column? Best regards, Svante Am 24.10.2013 00:22, schrieb John Haug: Svante asked me which features Microsoft Office supports in change tracking.  I started from the table in the ECT proposal (for convenience, since I spent some time creating that set of features) and added a column for Word 2013.  See attached.  I don’t have test documents, I simply opened Word, turned on change tracking and added/deleted/modified various objects to see what was tracked (accepting changes along the way to be clear what Word was tracking).   BTW, Oliver-Rainer, thanks for suggesting we move the calls an hour later. :)   John   From: [ ] On Behalf Of Svante Schubert Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 7:11 AM To: Subject: [office-collab] IRC log from today's meeting - 2013-10-23   Please find the IRC log of today's meeting below. Our next meeting will be in two weeks on the 6th of November.   NOTE: We decided to suggest to start one hour later, as long someone from Asian area is on the call. Please protest, if it does not suit you, the time would be: The teleconference login data for next call will be found in the OASIS calendar event (URL above). Attendees: John, Oliver, Camilla, Svante. [15:30] Svante Schubert: Hello [15:34] Svante Schubert: There will be a OSBA (Open Source Business Aliance) meeting next week in Stuttgart [15:34] Svante Schubert: Tuesday & Wednesday about improving change-tracking in LO/AO [15:34] Svante Schubert: German cities are doing some funding (the long story short) [15:36] Svante Schubert: I have uploaded an update on our draft - [15:37] Svante Schubert: In the past month I have stumbled over two problems that will influence our ODF change-tracking and should therefore be fixed for ODF 1.3: [15:39] Svante Schubert: I have updated some use cases about ODF normalization [15:41] Svante Schubert: Oliver: I think it is better to discuss the draft changes on the mailing list as they had happened today and discuss it on next call [15:43] Svante Schubert: Camilla: Reports about the GSoC work, the basics of the programming work [15:45] Svante Schubert: How can I determine the feature set coverage of MSO change-tracking [15:46] Svante Schubert: Does the DOCX W3C Schema already cover it? [15:46] Svante Schubert: There was once a reference on the list to a Fraunhofer Test document, but .. [15:46] Svante Schubert: it was very rudimentary (basic) [15:46] Svante Schubert: some text, some styles a table.. [15:48] Svante Schubert: Test document would be great! [15:48] Svante Schubert: documents [15:49] Svante Schubert: I would be curious, how it is possible to test. [15:50] Svante Schubert: Is it sufficient to copy a very high featured test document into an office with change-tracking enabled? [15:51] Svante Schubert: ^^still asking myself how to test change-tracking most reasonable [15:51] Svante Schubert: I guess we need some office interaction - like macros? [15:51] Svante Schubert: Accepting/Rejecting changes [15:52] Svante Schubert: There are three questions of mine: [15:52] Svante Schubert: 1) What is the feature set of MSO 15 (latest) change-tracking [15:52] Svante Schubert: 2) Do you have test documents, we might reuse? [15:52] Svante Schubert: 3) What is the best practise in testing change-tracking (automation?) [15:56] Svante Schubert: Would this suit you better? -- [15:58] Svante Schubert: [15:59] Svante Schubert: Let us do than [16:00] Svante Schubert: byebye [16:00] Oliver-Rainer Wittmann: bye [16:00] Camilla Boemann: bye   --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: