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Ken's thoughts about genericode JSON serialization based on Erlend's work

  • 1.  Ken's thoughts about genericode JSON serialization based on Erlend's work

    Posted 07-13-2021 01:22
    Fellow CLRTC members, Please take the time to look in on the work Erlend has started here: https://github.com/klakegg/genericode-schema/tree/main/ In particular, I've taken his work as input to my first version of a transliteration stylesheet here: https://github.com/klakegg/genericode-schema/tree/main/temp-ken-delete-later In the README file in my temporary directory I try to justify some of my decisions and some of the revelations that came to me this evening as I was comparing two contrasting results. Rather than copy the arguments here, I'll let you read them there. If you fork Erlend's directory you can play with the stylesheets and test code lists of your own. When decisions are made and the stylesheet is finalized, I'll move the stylesheet and demonstration data into the committee's git repository. Erlend, would you please consider moving your entire directory (with my temporary subdirectory) into a temporary subdirectory of the committee's git repository so that these intermediate results are preserved in the OASIS git world? Then when everything is decided and moved into the main directories we simply delete the temporary directory. I'm just worried about intermediate results not being available as an OASIS resource. Let me know offline and we can announce when the stuff is moved. Thanks, all! I think it will be an interesting meeting on Friday. I hope I have given everyone time to consider these topics and the questions I've raised. . . . . . . Ken -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training class @US$125 (5 hours free) Essays (UBL, XML, etc.) http://www.linkedin.com/today/author/gkholman