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Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Minutes 2006-01-23
Paul Langille, Corel
Yue Ma, IBM
Robert Weir, IBM
Patrick Durusau, Individual
Waldo Bastian, Intel
Jody Goldberg, Novell
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
Florian Reuter, Sun Microsystems
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, The OpenDocument Foundation
David Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes. (2006-01-09
and 2005-12-19)
Action Items
Michael: set up and announce new conference bridge - done
Michael: check on IPR transition progress - done
Nathaniel: Schedule A11Y SC call - done
Michael, David: work on settings interop/spec - ongoing
Topics Discussed
Rob reported on 2. issues being raised in the context of the ongoing ISO
adoption of OpenDocuemnt:
1) using URIs instead of IRIs
2) referencing of W3C work, that does not yet have REC status (DOM3, CSS3)
According to RFC3987 ( 1.2.a.:
For example, XML schema [XMLSchema] has an explicit type "anyURI"
that includes IRIs and IRI references. Therefore, IRIs and IRI
references can be in attributes and elements of type "anyURI".
Therefore, we believe that the normative grammar of ODF 1.0 allows
IRI's, even though the text of the specification does not make this
The OpenDocuemnt specification makes references to CSS3 and DOM3
candidate recommendations by the W3C. It has been noted, that these
specifications, having candidate status, are in part incomplete and are
likely to be changed in the future.
We however do not reference those specification in whole. We are using
specific parts of them in order to illustrate similar concepts in
OpenDocument. Those specific parts have validity of their own, which is
not bound to the validity to the overall document they are referenced in.
New Action Items
- none -
Next conference call
2006-01-30 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
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