OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

RE: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

  • 1.  RE: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

    Posted 04-15-2004 19:21
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

    Hi Andrzej,
    I believe there is a mechanism in XLIFF that allows you to tag terms in the
    source and target text: The <mrk> element has a mtype attribute that can
    take values from ISO-12620 2.1.11, one of them is "term". As <mrk> also
    allows extensions, one could easily add additional information as needed.
    Your example could be tagged as follow:
    <trans-unit id="1.0">
       <source>Remove the left-handed widget from the subassembly</source>
       <target><mrk mtype="term" ext:pos="VB" ext:tgt="odlacz">Remove</mrk> <mrk
    mtype="term" ext:pos="NN" ext:tgt="leworeczna lydzetka">the left-handed
    widget</mrk> from <mrk mtype="term" ext:pos="NN"
    Maybe a common set of extended attribute for terminology may be created and
    used by everyone. That goes back to the idea of developing a library of
    extensions for various specific purpose.
    Hope this helps.