OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Minutes of September 28, 2006 TC Call

  • 1.  Minutes of September 28, 2006 TC Call

    Posted 09-28-2006 16:16
    I. Roll Call & Administration
       Hal Lockhart (Co-chair)
       Anthony Nadalin
       Ron Williams
       Argyn Kuketayev
       Abbie Barbir
       Rich Levinson
       Erik Rissanen
       Greg Desmarais (observer)
       Bill Parducci (Co-chair, minutes)
       Anne Anderson
       Seth Proctor
       David Staggs
       Quorum was achieved (76% per Kavi)
      Vote on Minutes
       Bill noted that the Subject in the Minutes posted to the list should
       read SEPTEMBER 14 (was sent out as August 14)
       VOTE: Approve minutes from September 14, 2006 meeting
       Approved unanimously.
    II. Issues
      #47 - WS-Policy Assertion Formats for XACML
       Anne reviewed her draft on resolution to this issue.
       Tony asked if "nesting" capabilities of WS-Policy are addressed in
       this  proposal. Anne stated that the XACMLPolicyAssertion (or whatever
       it ends up being named) will not include nested policies - such an
       Assertion is completely self-contained, with all semantics defined in
       Anne will be publishing an updated version of the proposal in the next
      #49-52 Delegation with open Attribute Categories
       Erik reviewed his notes from the wiki on how delegation is affected by
       Daniel's proposal for Attribute Categories (Issue #3)
       Issue #3: PENDING
       Erik noted that pursuing this model will "break" backwards
       compatibility with v2 (Issue #9). The current thinking by the group is
       that a v3 compliant PDP must be able to read v2 policies (stemming
       from discussion on list).
       General consensus by the TC is that Erik update the current Draft to
       reflect the changes proposed.
      #24 Mixed administrative/access target
       Discussion amongst the TC generated the general belief that the
       feature proposed in this issue doesn't solve the use case presented.
       Issue: PENDING.
    III. General
       Naming Conventions
       Anne will review the changes to the Oasis naming conventions and
       report back to the TC.
       Hal noted that he will be speaking at the Open Geospatial Consortium
       to present XACML.
    meeting adjourned