Hi Chet,
Thanks for the update. As a member of the OASIS Board, I was aware of your interest in exploring further improvements, but did not want to put any words your
month. ;-) That said; I’m sure that I speak for many others, as well, that improvements would certainly be appreciated. I suspect that the TOSCA TC would welcome the opportunity to be a “guinea pig.” ;-)
From: Chet Ensign [mailto:
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 3:12 PM
To: Lipton, Paul C <
Cc: Matt Rutkowski <
mrutkows@us.ibm.com>; Jeremy Hess <
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org; Higley, Lowell H <
Subject: Re: [tosca] TOSCA Implementations (and more) for the Wiki
Hi Paul,
Just FYI, I am going to look into improving that public document display. It is rather clunky at present, not giving a user a way to navigate to folders or see less recent documents. Since that is drupal displaying information obtained
from Kavi, I'm not sure what options exist. But it could do with improving.
On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Lipton, Paul C <
Paul.Lipton@ca.com > wrote:
Hi Matt,
Please be aware that there is no need to use OASIS search to find and download any TC document we wish
to highlight and share with other groups. There are two other mechanisms available to make things much easier (putting search aside). First, ALL our documents have a
public link that is very easy to obtain, use, and share with any outside person or group. Second, there is a public page to see a listing of ALL our documents that is little different, for download purposes, from what we TC members see in our “private”
listing page, except that it is completely open.
The biggest problem may be that ETSI members are simply unaware how public and accessible our documents
already are, as this capability is NOT common in other standards organizations, even those using this popular website technology, which is popular in standards organization. Many folks, especially those relatively new to OASIS, may not be aware or expect this
degree of openness.
Also, I note that I have already been working with Shitao, Fengkai, and John to explore other concerns
that are peripherally related to this, but may even more improvements at a later date.
That said; further details on how to use existing facilities are below. All TC members should feel
free to share our documents using these OASIS website features.
To provide a direct, public link to ANY TC document:
All of our documents have a
public link that is very easy to obtain and use. For example, the latest working draft that Shitao has posted to the OASIS site, as of this writing, has a public URL of
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=58614&wg_abbrev=tosca ,
which can be shared with anybody.
Specifically, ALL of our documents have a Document Details page. Just select “Details” from the Actions
column at the right of the documents page:
You will see a public URL that can be easily copied/pasted:
Documents link right on our public page in the Related Links section
provides a complete list of ALL our documents for external consumption without
the need for search. Some screen images and further explanation below, but it is extremely simple and easy. Here is an example of a listing, no different than what we TC members see in terms of basic functionility. Note that submitter comments are also
Hope this is helpful and useful to all.
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org ]
On Behalf Of Matt Rutkowski
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 1:10 PM
To: Jeremy Hess <
jeremy@gigaspaces.com >
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org ; Higley, Lowell H <
Lowell.Higley@ca.com >
Subject: Re: [tosca] TOSCA Implementations (and more) for the Wiki
Hi Jeremy,
FYI, the NFV ad-hoc is having problems getting other standards partners in ETSI to find our documents (drafts) and presentations using the OASIS "find" (which appears broken for any search). Ideally,
what they want is a link (or few lnks) externals (from the NFV world) can immediately access from the Wiki that links them to the last internal draft (working draft) or the last 2 or 3 without having to use the broken OASIS search and fumbling to even find
the search page (which hardcoded lists last 10 cumulative TOSCA documents regardless of work group).
Kind regards,
mrutkows@us.ibm.com , mobile:
From: Jeremy Hess <
jeremy@gigaspaces.com >
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org Cc: "Higley, Lowell H" <
Lowell.Higley@ca.com >
Date: 08/07/2016 01:03 PM
Subject: [tosca] TOSCA Implementations (and more) for the Wiki
Sent by: <
tosca@lists.oasis-open.org >
Hi Everyone,
In our latest TM&E meeting, the team discussed how we can make good use of the Wiki in order to have more content to use for promotion as well as assisting for organic search.
Our top priority is to create a list of known TOSCA implementations by various companies and/or projects. This list is informal and will not contain any marketing or promotional language.
So, in order to get the ball rolling, I would like to please ask that anyone whose company, or any individual, that is part of a TOSCA implementation project, please send Lowell (CCed), Paul, and myself and email
with three sentences on the implementation, without any promotional language.
If you are aware of an implementation, but are not part of it, please reach out to us as well with any information you have so that we may follow-up with them in order to get that on the Wiki.
Other Wiki pages we are planning to include:
- Blogs and interviews
- Academic papers
- Links to TOSCA public slides and videos
- An event calendar for TOSCA participation
Thanks! Lowell and Jeremy
Jeremy Hess
Community & Growth Manager, Cloudify
+972-54- 768-4139
jeremy@gigaspaces.com http://getcloudify.org ?
Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393