OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  FW: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type startparameternot matching content-id

    Posted 10-05-2009 13:55
    Hi guys,

    there’s a error in the example in section 2.1.2 of the V2 ebMS spec with regard to the value for Content-id. The example shows the cid [incorrectly] without the angle brackets (“<“ “>”) in the start parameter of the Content-Type MIME header field of the multi part. The Content-Id MIME header of the related part however has the cid enclosed in brackets.

    Should we correct this? It seems that it can lead to confusion (see the mail below).


    ------ Forwarded Message
    From: Andy Evett <AEvett@cleo.com>
    Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 15:24:51 +0200
    To: Julien R <jurenit.jurenit@gmail.com>, Michael O'Connell <mike@flame.co.za>, Sander Fieten <sander@fieten-it.com>
    Cc: <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type start parameternot matching  content-id

    Hi all,

    Cleo chose to follow the example in the ebMS specification.  LexiCom does accept incoming messages with or without the enclosing '<' and '>' in the start parameter, but for outgoing messages LexiCom will leave off the enclosing characters.

    I do see though that even the ebMS specification itself is inconsistent as examples in Appendix B show the syntax suggested.  If this is causing interoperability issues, please contact support-ec@cleo.com and we will look at adding a formatting option.

    Andy Evett
    Cleo Communications

  • 2.  Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-typestart parameternot matching content-id

    Posted 10-05-2009 17:32
    The Drummond Group has been
    conducting interoperability tests for ebMS2 for 8 years now (which has
    included Cleo and Oracle), and as far as my reasearch has shown, we
    have no history of this being an interop issue -- at least one that
    required any sort of special "consensus item" discussion and resolution.

    Sander Fieten wrote:
    25sander@fieten-it.com" type="cite"> Hi guys,

    there’s a error in the example in section 2.1.2 of the V2 ebMS spec with regard to the value for Content-id. The example shows the cid [incorrectly] without the angle brackets (“<“ “>”) in the start parameter of the Content-Type MIME header field of the multi part. The Content-Id MIME header of the related part however has the cid enclosed in brackets.

    Should we correct this? It seems that it can lead to confusion (see the mail below).


    ------ Forwarded Message
    From: Andy Evett <AEvett@cleo.com>
    Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 15:24:51 +0200
    To: Julien R <jurenit.jurenit@gmail.com>, Michael O'Connell <mike@flame.co.za>, Sander Fieten <sander@fieten-it.com>
    Cc: <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type start parameternot matching  content-id

    Hi all,

    Cleo chose to follow the example in the ebMS specification.  LexiCom does accept incoming messages with or without the enclosing '<' and '>' in the start parameter, but for outgoing messages LexiCom will leave off the enclosing characters.

    I do see though that even the ebMS specification itself is inconsistent as examples in Appendix B show the syntax suggested.  If this is causing interoperability issues, please contact support-ec@cleo.com and we will look at adding a formatting option.

    Andy Evett
    Cleo Communications

  • 3.  RE: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type start parameternot matching content-id

    Posted 10-05-2009 18:34
    This is a known issue, here is an ancient reference from seven years ago:
    I remember as it did cause an interoperability issue with two ebMS2 implementations I was working with in 2004. These were custom implementations that never participated in any Drummond test.
    We could post an errata for ebMS2.  We also have a UPA violation with the ebMS 2.0 XSD that we discussed a year ago, did we ever post the patched XSD ?
    And we could think about an errata for ebMS 3 Core, it has a few minor issues too.

    From: Timothy Bennett [mailto:timothy@drummondgroup.com]
    Sent: 05 October 2009 19:32
    To: Sander Fieten
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type start parameternot matching content-id

    The Drummond Group has been conducting interoperability tests for ebMS2 for 8 years now (which has included Cleo and Oracle), and as far as my reasearch has shown, we have no history of this being an interop issue -- at least one that required any sort of special "consensus item" discussion and resolution.

    Sander Fieten wrote:
    25sander@fieten-it.com" type="cite">Hi guys,

    there’s a error in the example in section 2.1.2 of the V2 ebMS spec with regard to the value for Content-id. The example shows the cid [incorrectly] without the angle brackets (“<“ “>”) in the start parameter of the Content-Type MIME header field of the multi part. The Content-Id MIME header of the related part however has the cid enclosed in brackets.

    Should we correct this? It seems that it can lead to confusion (see the mail below).


    ------ Forwarded Message
    From: Andy Evett <AEvett@cleo.com>
    Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 15:24:51 +0200
    To: Julien R <jurenit.jurenit@gmail.com>, Michael O'Connell <mike@flame.co.za>, Sander Fieten <sander@fieten-it.com>
    Cc: <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] EbMS interopability: Content-type start parameternot matching  content-id

    Hi all,

    Cleo chose to follow the example in the ebMS specification.  LexiCom does accept incoming messages with or without the enclosing '<' and '>' in the start parameter, but for outgoing messages LexiCom will leave off the enclosing characters.

    I do see though that even the ebMS specification itself is inconsistent as examples in Appendix B show the syntax suggested.  If this is causing interoperability issues, please contact support-ec@cleo.com and we will look at adding a formatting option.

    Andy Evett
    Cleo Communications

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