OASIS organizational voting

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OASIS Board Election - Frederick Hirsch re-election

  • 1.  OASIS Board Election - Frederick Hirsch re-election

    Posted 06-16-2008 19:04
    Dear OASIS voting members,
    I would like to remind you to please vote in the current Board of  
    Directors election, if you have not voted already. The voting period  
    ends this Thursday, 19 June.
    This vote is important since your choice of Board members will impact  
    the direction of OASIS as an organization, its policies, and how well  
    OASIS works for you.
    I would also like to mention that if you have suggestions or concerns  
    related to OASIS you can share them with the Board using the oasis- 
    board-comment @ lists.oasis-open.org  mailing list, or may contact  
    myself directly. It is worth remembering that though the Board has to  
    balance various issues and considerations your suggestions can have  
    an impact.
    I would like to ask for your vote as I run for re-election. As  
    Secretary of the Board and chair of the Strategy Committee I have  
    been working hard to make OASIS a better organization for its  
    members. I would like to thank Paul Knight for outlining some of the  
    recent work of the current Board and request that you consider that  
    in your vote for candidates.
    Of course I would appreciate your vote. You can find my candidate  
    statement at http://www.oasis open.org/private/elections/2008board/ 
    hirsch.php .
    Please vote now at: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ 
    Thank you
    regards, Frederick
    Frederick Hirsch