DITA Technical Communication SC

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Advancing DITA specializations for technical communication

Group Notes

DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee wiki

Table of Contents


Participation in the OASIS DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee is open to all interested parties, including technical writers and implementers. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information on joining the SC.

The DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee wiki
is located at
DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee.


While DITA was originally designed as an architecture for technical documentation, it has grown into a solution for much more than that. Today, DITA supports a growing set of industries and vertical markets via subcommittees that are responsible for their specializations. As a result, the technical communication specializations, including bookmap and the concept, reference, task, and glossary topic types, have been moved out of the base DITA package into a new "tech comm" package. The purpose of the Technical Communication Subcommittee is to take ownership of the "tech comm" specializations, driving new developments for technical communication and providing ongoing maintenance of the existing specializations.

Parent Committee

The DITA Technical Communication SC is a subcommittee of the DITA Technical Committee, where the core DITA standard is advanced.

Technical Work Produced by the Committee

This Subcommittee has not produced technical work yet.

Expository Work Produced by the Committee

There are no approved expository work products for this SC yet.

External Resources

There are no external resources for this SC yet.

Mailing Lists and Comments

dita-techcomm: the list used by SC members to conduct Committee work. SC membership is required to post. SC members are automatically subscribed; the public may view archives.

dita-comment: a public mail list for providing input to the OASIS DITA TC (and all its Subcommittees). Send a comment or view archives.

Additional Information

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