Chair: Michael S. Tsirkin
Red Hat
Chair: Anjali Singhai Jain
Intel Corporation
OASIS Staff Contact: Kelly Cullinane
Defining a standard Network Data-Plane Function PCIe device (peripheral component interconnect express) to meet the needs of large data center operators and their tenants and vendors of host-attached networking devices.
Group Notes
Read the blog by Anjali Singhai Jain, Intel, co-chair of the IDPF TC: Creating a Leading PCIE Based Ethernet Host Interface Standard: Infrastructure Data-Plane Function (IDPF).
Participation in the IDPF TC is open to all interested parties. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information.
The IDPF TC's goal is to define a standard Network Data-Plane Function PCIE device. PCIe stands for 'peripheral component interconnect express' and it is an interface standard for connecting high-speed components of a computer. The project is aimed at meeting the needs of large data center operators and their tenants and vendors of Host-attached networking devices, such as NICs and Accelerators.
The TC's work will satisfy multiple goals:
- High throughput/low-overhead operation
- Remove most of the CPU cost of emulated interfaces
- Decouple Tenant and data-center operations
- Standardized interface for scalability and ease of configuration and operation
- Offer Tenants additional features and accelerations to keep up evolving demands
- Feature negotiation and extensibility to allow scalable provisioning and orchestration
None of the standard interfaces available in the market today provide for all of these needs at once.
For more information, see the IDPF TC Charter.
Founding members of this TC include:
Mailing Lists and Comments
idpf: the discussion list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post, and TC members are automatically subscribed. The public may view the OASIS list archives.
idpf-comment: a public mailing list for providing feedback on the technical work of the IDPF TC. To send a comment, follow the instructions on the TC's public web page here or view the OASIS comment list archives.
Press Coverage and Commentary
Creating a Leading PCIE Based Ethernet Host Interface Standard: Infrastructure Data-Plane Function (IDPF) blog by Anjali Singhai Jain, Intel, co-chair of the IDPF TC. 11 January 2023.
TC Tools
- idpf-specification - Open IDPF specification for IDPF members to review and comment in order to clarify and complete the design.