Chair: Rex Brooks
At any moment the "operational picture" perceived by each individual and organization represents the accumulation and fusion of various streams of incoming information. The accuracy and completeness of that operational picture, and the quality of the decisions based upon it, depend in large part on the scope, transparency and efficiency of the incoming information flows. And the effectiveness of coordinated effort among individuals and agencies depends in large part on their having access to the same flows of information (including information about each other's status and intentions) and thus sharing a common operational picture.
The EM Notification Methods and Messages Subcommittee ("the Subcommittee") will address procedures and formats for exchanging new and updated information related to functions including public safety, emergency response and homeland security. Specifically, the Subcommittee will undertake three immediate projects:
- Review and refinement of contributed work from the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Working Group;
- Design and development of an Incident Notification message format (which may be implemented in terms of the CAP framework or separately); and,
- Development of a core set of messages to support the National Incident Management System as mandated in Homeland Security Presidential Directive #5 (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/02/20030228-9.html), based on established Incident Command System (ICS) forms (for examples, see
The Subcommittee plans to advance the first of these deliverables to the full EM Technical Committee within the second calendar quarter of 2003.
The EM Notification Methods and Messages Subcommittee ("the Subcommittee") will address procedures and formats for exchanging new and updated information related to functions including public safety, emergency response and homeland security.
Group Notes
The EM Notification Methods and Messages Subcommittee ("the Subcommittee") will address procedures and formats for exchanging new and updated information related to functions including public safety, emergency response and homeland security.