Chair: Chet Ensign
OASIS Staff Contact: Scott McGrath
OASIS Staff Contact: James Bryce Clark
OASIS Staff Contact: Paul Knight
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The purpose of the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB) is to advise the OASIS Board of Directors, Staff, and Membership on matters related to the technical agenda of OASIS. The TAB focuses on improving the standards development process, improving the quality of OASIS Standards through the production of guidelines and educational materials, and advising on improvements to community and collaboration processes and technologies.
Feedback and Questions
The TAB welcomes questions and feedback from OASIS members as well as others interested in OASIS and its work. To send a question or comment to the members of the TAB, email tab-askthetab@lists.oasis-open.org. Email to the list does not require subscription or OASIS membership.
Group Notes
Technical Advisory Board (TAB) - An OASIS Resource
The OASIS TAB assists the OASIS Board and staff by producing guidelines and best practice documents for use by specification editors and TC members, commenting on all first-time public reviews, and responding to requests for recommendations on improvements and new features.
2017/2018 TAB Work Plan
The TAB's proposed work plan for 2018/2019 is:
- Draft policy for handling security vulnerability reports and recommendations on infrastructure to support reporting and reporting
- Suggest organization of OASIS resources to align with work-flow (e.g. 'Resources for editors')
- Draft proposal for improving errata process
- Draft proposal for maintaining and deprecating OASIS Standards after a TC is closed
- Help promote Open Projects
- Review/help proposers improve draft OP charters
- Help identify features to make OPs attractive to developers
- Finish the Google master citation sheet to track OASIS work product progress and act as a master citation list for OASIS Standards and Committee Specifications (similar to W3C and IETF lists)
Guidance / Best Practices
- Open first half of TAB calls to OASIS members as 'open office hours'
- Draft OASIS Chairs manual
- Comments to TCs on 1st public reviews
- Maintain W3C and IETF citation master lists