Chair: Sanjay Patil, SAP SE
OASIS Staff Contact: James Bryce Clark
OpenCSA Inter-SCA TC Liaison SubCommittee (LSC) 2007-10-30
The OpenCSA Inter-SCA TC Liaison SubCommittee is chartered to provide an official forum for the discussion by the Service Component Architecture (SCA) Technical Committees (TCs) of common issues that cross SCA TC boundaries. Its membership shall consist of representatives from each SCA TC (at least one from each TC), OpenCSA Steering Committee (StC) members, and possibly other invited TC members. The OpenCSA StC shall appoint the members for one-year renewable terms. Each SCA TC shall recommend to the OpenCSA StC at least one member to represent itself on the LSC.
The actual composition and number is flexible in order to accommodate changing needs and requirements. However each SCA TC should have at least one TC member to represent its interests and to assure reliable communications. As this is a subcommittee of the OpenCSA StC, the OpenCSA StC must have at least one of its members serving on the LSC to ensure a reliable communication channel between the StC and the LSC.
All of the LSC's work shall be visible to the public (i.e. all documents, email archives, agenda, discussions, shall be publicly viewable). The LSC, as its first order of business shall elect a Chair. In the absence of such an elected Chair the OpenCSA StC member shall serve as a pro tem chair until such time as the LSC can elect a chair. LSC meetings, (teleconference and/or face to face) shall be posted in advance. The meetings shall be open to other OpenCSA MS and affiliated TC members as observers. Observers may participate in meetings at the discretion of the chair. Any eligible OASIS member may subscribe to the LSC mail list and post to it. The LSC may use whatever tools seem appropriate to organizing its work, provided they meet the above criteria of public visibility and are approved by OASIS.
The purpose of the LSC is to provide a forum for the discussion of common issues that cut across the SCA TCs. The LSC is not a decision making body in the sense that it is only empowered to make recommendations to the appropriate SCA TCs or the OpenCSA StC. All of its recommendations are non-binding and advisory. The LSC must not disenfranchise the role and responsibilities of the TCs in technical discussions.
The LSC will not discuss issues which are the sole purview of any single TC. The LSC will only work on issues passed to it by requests made to it by the OpenCSA StC or other SCA TCs with the view towards making timely recommendations. The LSC may re-discuss an issue should a recommendation be rejected by one or more TCs.
The kinds of activities within its scope are:
(a) the discussion of common process issues,
(b) the tracking (not resolution of) of cross TC technical issues to make sure the designated TC liaisons are aware of them and that the relevant TCs take appropriate action,
(c) the making recommendations to the OpenSCA StC of other actions it might take to improve coordination of the work of the SCA TCs.
Contemplated areas where liaison will almost certainly be required are exemplified by start-up issues (naming, versioning, logistics), test suite issues that cross TCs, logistics (e.g. scheduling face-to-face meetings), and close-down issues (scheduling, exit criteria, etc.).
This group is open to any eligible OASIS member. If you wish to join this group, send your request to opencsa-liaison-chair@lists.oasis-open.org . Please be sure to note if you are requesting to be an Observer, Member or Voting Member representing your SCA Technical Committee.