OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Agenda for Atlantic UBL TC call 19 June 2024 14:00UTC

  • 1.  Agenda for Atlantic UBL TC call 19 June 2024 14:00UTC

    Posted 12 days ago

    Agenda for Atlantic UBL TC call 19 June 2024 14:00UTC


    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    Conferencing info


    Meeting ID: 547 975 473

    Passcode: oasis


    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:



    Or iPhone one-tap (US toll):

    +13462487799,,547975473#,,,,,,0#,,130346# US (Houston)

    +16465588656,,547975473#,,,,,,0#,,130346# US (New York)


    Or international dial-in number (toll):


    Meeting ID: 547 975 473

    Passcode: 130346


    Referencing the specification


    One of the following should be used as a specific citation:

    -  OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.4

    -  OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.3

    -  OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.2

    -  OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845:2015)

    The following would be used for a general (any version) citation:

    -  OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845)

    The canonical 2.4 documents are available in the OASIS repository:

    -  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/cs01-UBL-2.4/

    The canonical 2.3 documents are available in the OASIS repository:

    -  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.3/

    The canonical 2.2 documents are available in the OASIS repository:

    -  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.2/

    The canonical 2.1 documents are available in the OASIS repository:

    -  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.1/

    The ISO/IEC catalogue entry for UBL 2.1 is found at:

    -  http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm/?csnumber=66370

    The ISO/IEC document and attachments for UBL 2.1 are found at:

    -  http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/


    Standing items


    Additions to events calendar - http://ubl.xml.org/events

    Anything to add?


    Wikipedia page

    Updates and maintenance of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Business_Language


    Review of Atlantic call minutes

    Minutes available under "Discussion" in the new Community Workspace: https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer?communitykey=556949c8-dac8-40e6-bb16-018dc7ce54d6


    Membership status review



    New member orientation information:



    Voting status is determined by the following:

    -  existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status

    -  non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status

    -  members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted


    After the shift to the new system, the TC is no longer able to maintain the roster on the OASIS website. The list below is therefore the definitive and authoritative record of voting rights. Current UBL TC voting member list (alphabetical):


    -  Todd Albers

    o Member of X9, X12 B2X, ISO 20022 Payment SEG, OASIS BDXR, and convenor of the Business Payments Coalition e-Invoice work groups

    -  Kenneth Bengtsson

    o  Chair OASIS BDXR TC, Observer OASIS ebXML, DK Expert UN/CEFACT

    -  Erlend Klakegg Bergheim

    o Member OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML Core & MS, Member CEN/TC434/WS8

    -  Peter Borresen

    o DK Member CEN/TC440, Convenor CEN/TC440/WG7

    -  Andrea Caccia

    -  Michael Coletta

    -  Paul Donohoe

    -  Kees Duvekot

    o Member OASIS BDXR, Member of the NEN TC 434

    -  Sander Fieten

    o Cochair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC, Cochair OASIS BDXR TC

    -  Ken Holman

    o Member OASIS BDXR, member OASIS Code List Representation TC

    -  Yves Jordan

    -  Wim Kok

    -  Ole Madsen

    o DK Member CEN/TC440

    -  Natalie Muric


    Members losing voting status after this meeting:

    -  Andrea Caccia

    -  Natalie Muric

    -  Peter Borresen


    TC Vitality Check

    The TC must next appoint or reappoint chair(s) in January 2025.

    Next TC vitality check must be made in January 2025.


    ICC Standards Presentation


    Updated entry to the UNESCAP database: https://www.digitalizetrade.org/implementation-instrument/universal-business-language-ubl


    Craig will liaise to get the date of publishment updated once 2.4 is approved as OASIS Standard.


    Budapest Face-to-face Meeting Minutes


    Meeting minutes are available here: https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/minutes-of-ubl-tc-face-to-face-meeting-in-budapest-may-27-30-2024


    UBL 2.4


    The Call for Consent for approving UBL 2.4 as OASIS Standard has been announced and is open until June 20: https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/call-for-consent-for-universal-business-language-version-24-as-oasis-standard-1


    Status can be followed here: https://groups.oasis-open.org/higherlogic/ws/groups/c345ca28-f0ec-4436-a509-018dc7d3f04a/ballots/ballot?id=3824


    Kees is preparing a UBL 2.4 OASIS Standard with June 20 as approval date.


    UBL 2.5


    The TC has approved a UBL Deprecation Policy version 1.0 available here:

    -  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=71497&wg_abbrev=ubl (PDF)

    -  https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=71496&wg_abbrev=ubl (ODT)


    Publishing tools


    Master spreadsheets for UBL 2.5 are available here:

    -  Library elements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18o1YqjHWUw0-s8mb3ja4i99obOUhs-4zpgso6RZrGaY/

    -  Document elements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1024Th-Uj8cqliNEJc-3pDOR7DxAAW7gCG4e-pbtarsg/


    Shall we generate and publish XSDs without deprecated elements as part of UBL 2.5 to assist validating if UBL implementations are using solely non-deprecated elements? Does this belong in a Committee Note? Kees has opened a ticket: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-385.


    Semantic library review


    Documents are being reviewed by their corresponding subcommittees as listed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f0yyWMLK9wAWEjEKgsoXT7eov9h5bx6qxROBZP_qu7M/edit?gid=0#gid=0


    Supplementary components were reviewed during the Budapest face-to-face meeting. The result of the review can be inspected here: https://wv2agsty.nocodb.com/#/nc/kanban/bd3026b2-8250-46b5-ae42-c3272e5060b2


    JIRA tickets:


    List of UBL 2.5 JIRA tickets: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=16270


    Specification review


    Divide specification into multiple parts. Aim is to create a multipart specification.


    The specification references several UBL work products, including NDRs and customization guidelines. Should we incorporate these into the multipart compendium?


    JSON syntax binding


    At the Budapest face-to-face meeting, we agreed that deprecating the UBL data type attributes will simplify JSON implementations for developers. This change makes complex JSON data types simple enough to be implementable, for example:



      "ID": {

        "value": "1234567890123",

        "schemeID": "GLN"




    Erlend is currently working on a first draft for a JSON specification.


    Subcommittee reports


    UBL Post-award


    Anything to report?


    UBL Pre-award


    The Pre-award SC will resume weekly meetings every Wednesday at 15:00 CET starting June 26.


    Anything to report?


    UBL Transportation Subcommittee (TSC)


    The TSC met March 5, 2024. Discussion about deprecating Freight Invoice, and Waybill or Bill of Lading. Peter will send out meeting minutes.


    Anything to report?


    Organisation Master Data Subcommittee


    Anything to report?


    Payments and Finance SC


    Anything to report?


    Commodities SC


    Anything to report?


    TC Liaisons


    CEN TCs 434 and 440


    Agreed at the Copenhagen face-to-face meeting that the UBL TC is open to establish a formal liaison with CEN TC 434 to create a European or international standard for electronic invoicing, if there is an interest from the CEN TC.


    OASIS has reported that there is an agreement on a way forward. The TC has agreed to appoint Wim Kok liaison officer to the CEN TC 434, and Peter Borresen as liaison officer to the CEN TC 440, as recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202301/msg00017.html. The appointments have been communicated to OASIS.


    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1


    Decision to appoint Andrea as liaison representative between ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 and the TC recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202007/msg00014.html


    OASIS has been in contact with the SC 32 secretariat. SC 32 has provided an application form to apply as CAT A Liaison. Currently waiting on OASIS to return the form.


    ISO TC 323 (WG5)


    Decision to appoint Andrea as liaison representative between ISO TC 323 (WG5) and the TC recorded here: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/202402/msg00004.html. Awaiting feedback from OASIS.


    ISO TC 207


    Agreed in Budapest to seek a formal liaison with ISO TC 207. Michael has volunteered as liaison officer.


    Subcommittee conference calls


    -  The Pre-award SC will be meeting Wednesdays at 15:00 CET starting June 19.

    -  Other subcommittees will be meeting on an as-required basis.


    TC conference call schedule


    Face-to-face meeting


    Fall 2024 meeting:

    -  Confirmed that Logius will host us in The Hague November 11-14, 2024.


    Spring 2025 meeting:

    -  Invitation from European Commission to host us in Luxembourg? Dates to be confirmed.


    Fall 2025 meeting:

    -  Italy, possibly Milano? Dates to be confirmed.


    Spring 2026 meeting:

    -  Minneapolis? Possibly in May. Dates to be confirmed.


    Call schedule


    Agreed to temporarily suspend the Pacific calls while we have no participants from the Pacific region. Pacific calls will be reinstated upon request from any TC member.



    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    -   Pacific: Canceled

    -   Atlantic: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe


    TC calendar




    iCal subscription link: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup_feeds/ical/my_vcalendar.ics?token=fa658a7994a6cefb10c10be09e139af3&workgroup_id=50


    Other business


    As comes forward


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