OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Agenda for May 27 to May 30 UBL TC Face-to-Face Meeting

  • 1.  Agenda for May 27 to May 30 UBL TC Face-to-Face Meeting

    Posted 24 days ago



    Monday, May 27 – Afternoon (12:00 to 17:00)


    Tuesday, May 28 – Full Day (09:00 to 17:00)

    • Evolving the UBL Semantic Library:
      • Discuss improvements and identify redundancies.
      • Lead: Kenneth
    • JSON syntax binding
      • Lead: Erlend


    Wednesday, May 29 – Full Day (09:00 to 17:00) – JOINT MEETING WITH GS1 AND INVITED PARTICIPANTS

    • Circular Economy and Digital Product Passport
      • Leads from the UBL TC: Andrea and Kenneth
    • Note that this is a joint workshop meeting with GS1 and invited participants and not an official TC meeting. Attendance does not count towards voting eligibility.


    Thursday, May 30 – Full Day (09:00 to 17:00)

    • Refining the Prose Specification
      • Lead: Kenneth
    • Updating the Publishing System
      • Leads: Ken, Kees
    • Closing Remarks




    The meeting will take place at the Hungarian Standards Institution:

    1082 Budapest, Horváth Mihály Square 1.


    Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Budapest,+Horv%C3%A1th+Mih%C3%A1ly+t%C3%A9r+1,+1082+Hungary/@47.4892187,19.0705771,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4741dc58a878cf3b:0x6a48ca1f00b79474!8m2!3d47.489429!4d19.0742893?hl=en


    Google Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@47.4897413,19.0744995,3a,70.7y,229.3h,106.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_b80AUIgkttIGrPhLDgjXg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


    Room 326 on the third floor is reserved for our meeting.


    Coffee breaks with light snacks and sandwiches will be provided to participants.


    Online Participation:


    It will be possible to attend remotely through Zoom or other online facility.


    Nearby Accommodation:


    Hotel Palazzo Zichy ****



    Hotel Ibis Budapest Centrum ***



    Atrium Fashion Hotel**** (Mellow Mood Hotels)



    Mercure Budapest Korona****



    Hotel Museum Budapest ****



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