XMLmind XML Editor v10.10 (November 15, 2024): Highlights:
Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.5
XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100%
JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML
Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation
on the user side. More information»[1].
What's new in this version?[2]
https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/web_edition.shtml [2]
https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_web/doc/manual/changes.htmlOther changes:
- Added a "Sort files by" menu to the toolbar of the "Browse Files"
tool. This menu lets you sort the listed files according to different
file properties: name, date, size, etc, in either ascending or
descending order.
- The "Ebook Page" configuration has been made closer to the "XHTML 5"
configuration in terms of CSS stylesheets and toolbar buttons.
- Better support of attribute rowheader="firstcol" in CALS table (that
is, DocBook and DITA tables).
- Updated most software components (XMLmind Word To XML, Saxon, FOP,
Batik, etc).
- Several bug fixes.
More information in
What is XMLmind XML Editor?
XMLmind XML Editor is a strictly validating, near WYSIWYG, XML editor,
having extensive DITA, DocBook, XHTML and MathML support and industrial
strength DOCX import and export facilities. Its users are generally
technical writers, engineers and scholars who use it to write large,
complex, modular, documents.
Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations.
New Web Edition is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined,
implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus
not requiring any installation on the user side.
Home page:
https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/Download: https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml