OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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CTI TC Monthly Calls Today

  • 1.  CTI TC Monthly Calls Today

    Posted 05-16-2024 12:03
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    Hi TC,


    I apologize about the confusion with today's CTI TC Monthly Call - Session #1 at 11AM EST. Unfortunately, no one was about to host the meeting. Our CTI TC Monthly Call - Session #2 at PM EST will also not be held. Here's the deck for the meeting today and I would like to make the following highlights:

    • OASIS 2024 Annual and Special Board of Directors Elections is open! This is a great opportunity to nominate those nominate the future leadership of OASIS. The ballot closes on Friday, 7 June at 9:00pm EST  but don't wait until then to submit your nomination(s). The candidates has vast experiences and background some of them are members of the CTI TC!

    Pablo Breuer

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    Jim Cabral

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    Gershon Janssen

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    Bret Jordan

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    Vasileios Mavroeidis

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    Ed Parsons

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    Daniel Roher

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    Daniella Taveau

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    • The Friday 8:30-9:30 AM EST STIX WG calls will open up to be CTI TC Working Group calls. This provide an a broader scope of TC collaboration and discussion. Let us know if you have any topics you would like to discuss and/or whether this timeslot does not work for you.


    Again apologies for the confusion today and looking forward to our next session,


