OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Draft Agenda for 22 April 2024

    Posted 04-18-2024 09:24

    The agenda for our TC call on Monday, 2024-04-22

    Time of meeting:


    The call counts towards voter eligibility.

    Teleconference Numbers - Access code: 438387

    Canada (use US number)
    Denmark +45 78 77 25 34
    Germany +49 30 255550324
    Hungary +36 1 987 6874
    Netherlands +31 6 35205016
    United Kingdom +44 330 777 2407
    US +1 267 807 9605

    Chat room for meeting is at webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odf

    Please send comments to the mailing list.

    1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights

    2. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 15 April 2024


    3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda

    4. OASIS website issues - Report

    5. "add XLOOKUP function"
    issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4154 (cont)

    6. "add XMATCH function"

    7. "add FILTER function"

    8. "add SORT function"

    9. "add SORTBY function"

    10. Suggested homepage edits (forthcoming)

    11. Adjournment

    Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!


  • 2.  RE: Draft Agenda for 22 April 2024

    Posted 04-19-2024 14:00

    "5. 'add XLOOKUP function' issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4154 (cont)"

    If have added a new version to the proposal.

    If have started to create separate files for the examples. But there is a principle question: Do you want the examples as kind of primer that explains the parameters, or do you want the examples as kind of test suite, comparing actual and expected values, or both in one?

    Regina Henschel
    The Document Foundation