For discussion at today's TC call:
OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.4 to ISO/IEC JTC 1
- Name(s) of the submission requester(s):
- OASIS UBL Technical Committee
- Name of the intended receiving standards organization:
- ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1)
- Intended status or outcome and description of the approval process:
- The request seeks to update ISO/IEC 19845:2013 with OASIS UBL 2.4 as an International Standard.
- The OASIS UBL TC intends for the UBL 2.4 specification to be submitted as a Draft International Standard (DIS) for proposed ballot approval by the national body members of ISO/IEC JTC 1. The goal is to achieve International Standard (IS) status with no changes to the technical content of the OASIS submissions. ISO editorial requirements may necessitate changes in document appearance, but the technical equivalence will be maintained as an explicit condition of the submission.
- This submission will follow the established procedures for transposing standards developed by recognized organizations under existing agreements with ISO/IEC JTC 1.
- The UBL 2.4 specification will update and replace ISO/IEC 19845:2013. As before, the resulting approved ISO standards will be technically equivalent to their OASIS Standard counterparts.
- Explanation of how the submission will benefit OASIS:
- Endorsement as an ISO/IEC standard will enhance the global acceptance and implementation of UBL 2.4, particularly in regions where de jure standards are preferred.
- It will reinforce OASIS's reputation for developing widely adopted e-commerce standards and support the international community in trade, logistics, and procurement sectors.
- The submission will aid in maintaining interoperability and compatibility with other international standards, fostering broader adoption and implementation.
- Expected licensing, copyright, and other intellectual property terms:
- The UBL 2.4 specification will continue to be available under OASIS's Royalty-Free on Limited Terms policy.
- ISO/IEC will also make the standard available under its own licensing policy, ensuring consistent intellectual property terms across both organizations.
- Intended future plans for versioning and maintenance:
- Maintenance of UBL 2.4 and subsequent versions will be handled by the OASIS UBL TC.
- Future revisions and updates to the standard will originate from the OASIS UBL TC and will be submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 as amendments or new versions, ensuring alignment between OASIS and ISO/IEC standards.
- The maintenance approach aligns with ISO/IEC JTC 1's procedures and supports long-term stability and continuous improvement of the standard.
This submission request aims to ensure that OASIS UBL 2.4 achieves the recognition and widespread use that comes with ISO/IEC standardization, thereby benefiting the global community that relies on robust and interoperable e-business standards.
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