OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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General comments to proposal for SORT function, OFFICE-4157

  • 1.  General comments to proposal for SORT function, OFFICE-4157

    Posted 06-24-2024 11:03
      |   view attached
    Hi all,

    in case you do not get the attachments, please drop me a note and I'll
    sent them to you directly.

    Here some larger comments including links besides the comments in the
    attached file.

    The proposal mentions "dynamic array". A concept of "dynamic array" is
    missing in ODF.

    "dynamic array" is missing in LibreOffice, only in first generating of
    the result array, the actual needed place is used.

    Excel uses flag fDynamic in CT_DynamicArrayProperties, 2.4.87
    dynamicArrayProperties in [MS-XLSX] Extensions to the Office Open XML
    SpreadsheetML File Format.
    Excel provides the spilled range operator # to be placed directly after
    the reference to the first cell to address the whole column.
    Excel uses #SPILL! error, if the to be filled area is not empty.

    database headers are not considered.
    Excel: UI: "Format as table" and there checkbox "My table has headers".
    Feature request

    Excel can address parts of the table by using [#All], [#Headers]
    or [#Data] (maybe more?).

    LO: UI: Data > Define Range > Options: "Contains column labels".

    ODF: Attribute table:contains-header (19.604) of element
    <table:database-range> (9.4.15)

    Kind regards,
