Hi all,
in case you do not get the attachments, please drop me a note and I'll
sent them to you directly.
Here some larger comments including links besides the comments in the
attached file.
The proposal mentions "dynamic array". A concept of "dynamic array" is
missing in ODF.
"dynamic array" is missing in LibreOffice, only in first generating of
the result array, the actual needed place is used.
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161642Excel uses flag fDynamic in CT_DynamicArrayProperties, 2.4.87
dynamicArrayProperties in [MS-XLSX] Extensions to the Office Open XML
SpreadsheetML File Format.
Excel provides the spilled range operator # to be placed directly after
the reference to the first cell to address the whole column.
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/spilled-range-operator-3dd5899f-bca2-4b9d-a172-3eae9ac22efdExcel uses #SPILL! error, if the to be filled area is not empty.
database headers are not considered.
Excel: UI: "Format as table" and there checkbox "My table has headers".
Feature request
https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/idea/2a55004c-1db0-ee11-92bd-6045bd7fe601 Excel can address parts of the table by using [#All], [#Headers]
or [#Data] (maybe more?).
LO: UI: Data > Define Range > Options: "Contains column labels".
ODF: Attribute table:contains-header (19.604) of element
<table:database-range> (9.4.15)
Kind regards,