OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

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  • 1.  July CTI TC Meeting Notes

    Posted 06-21-2024 12:52
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    Hi TC,


    Here's the deck with notes from both sessions.

    • Working with OASIS and Higher Logic to troubleshoot issues with the new platform. Please ensure emails from the following domains are not sent to the your spam folders: (1) ConnectedCommunity.org (2) mail.groups.oasis-open.org.
    • Emily Ratliff and Jonathan Matkowsky have stepped down from their positions as STIX co-chair and Secretary, respectively. Thanks for all your work to TC!
    • Steve Relitz has stepped up as new STIX co-chair. Thanks for your new service to the TC!
    • The Friday 8:30-9:30 AM EST STIX WG calls are currently cancelled (please remove instances from your calendar if you have them). We will start a new series CTI TC Working Group calls. This provide an a broader scope of TC collaboration and discussion. Let us know if you have any topics you would like to discuss and/or whether this timeslot does not work for you.



