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Last-call review of the Document Life Cycle Best Practices document

  • 1.  Last-call review of the Document Life Cycle Best Practices document

    Posted 03-12-2024 13:30
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    Dear OASIS Members,

    The OASIS Board Process committee has been working on a series of best current practice documents to simplify how work is done at OASIS and ultimately make things easier for chairs, editors, secretaries, and members of technical committees.

    The first document we have produced is called "Document Life Cycle Best Practices for Technical Committees". This document contains both a summary of the work product process and some guidance on how to streamline that process. It also discusses how an OASIS Technical Committee (TC) work product progresses through the various development stages of its lifecycle.

    In addition to defining some best practices, this document also defines three optional standing rules that a TC may choose to enact to simplify the process of moving documents through the various development stages. These standing rules simplify when ballots are needed, clarify when and how approvals are done, can reduce voting fatigue, and can reduce delays due to administrative processes. These standing rules can be adopted on a document-by-document basis or be adopted globally by the TC for all documents. In the latter case, a TC may consider doing this during the formation of the TC.

    The first version of this document was sent to chairs, editors, and secretaries back in November 2023. During that review cycle we received many great and thoughtful comments and suggestions and have since revised the document to address all of them. We would now like to ask all OASIS Members to review this revised and final version of the document.

    Please review the attached PDF document and provide your feedback, comments, and suggestions by April 12th. You can submit your comments directly in the Google Doc or by sending email to myself and Kelly.

    Google Doc Link:

    If you have any concerns please feel free to reach out to me directly or Kelly.

    Bret Jordan
    Chair OASIS Board Process Committee 


    Kelly Cullinane

    Senior Director for Standards Development

    OASIS Open

