OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  Meeting minutes

    Posted 04-02-2024 12:07

    Dear all,

    Please find below today's meeting minutes.




    Attendance: Yoshito, Rodolfo, Lucía. We have quorum.



    R: Do you approve 19 meeting minutes - https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/meeting-minutes-19-march?

    Y: I second.

    R: meeting minutes approved.


         Remaining items before XLIFF 2.2 public review?

    R: I have made a minor change (add the 01 to the urls) that I will commit now.

    (Rodolfo uploads the documents to the internal OASIS repository)

    Y: The html file has some issues, I cannot see the icons.

    R: You are right, they are related to the stylesheet.  I will have to fix them.

    Y: I can see some minor things related to the external links in the new module. For example, in the sentence "A browser friendly table with all the supported rules for all languages, including examples, is available here."the resource of that url is from CLDR v43.0, there are new versions and it might continue to evolve. Besides, it would be better to describe in the text the resource of the link.

    R: I see.

    L: That is a good point, in terms of accessibility, we should avoid expressions like "here" and include the description of resource of the external link.

    R: I can modify those changes, Mihai will have to agree on those as he is the Module owner. I will make the changes and ask him to review them to see if he agrees.

    L: If that issue gets solved, we could do an electronic ballot after that, so the public review can start as soon as possible.

    R: Yes, that sounds good.

    Y: how many public review rounds do we need to make?

    R: It depends on the comments. If we have comments, we will have to take care of them and we might need to create a new draft. If we do not have comments or if we solve them, one public review round might be enough to approve it later as Committee specification.

    L: No new business. Meeting adjourned.

    Lucía Morado Vázquez
    Researcher and lecturer
    University of Geneva