OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Meeting minutes - 03 September

  • 1.  Meeting minutes - 03 September

    Posted 09-11-2024 09:52

    Dear all,

    Please find below last week's meeting minutes.




    Attendance: Yoshito, Rodolfo, Lucía, Mihai. We have quorum.


    I move to approve to approve   August 20 meeting minutes - https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/meeting-minutes-6

    Y/L: We second.

    R: Meeting minutes approved.


    Public review.

    R: Oasis administrator asked us to make minimal editorial changes (i.e. change the logo on the spec), I have submitted the new files, we are waiting for the official announcement of the public review. 

    L: No more new business. Meeting adjourned.

    Lucía Morado Vázquez
    Researcher and lecturer
    University of Geneva