OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  Meeting minutes

    Posted 07-16-2024 11:45

    Dear all,

    Please find below today's meeting minutes.




    Attendance: Rodolfo, Yoshito, Lucía, we have quorum.


        I move to approve May 21 meeting minutes - https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/meeting-minutes-3

    Y: I second.

    R: Meeting minutes approved.

        Summer availability. Next meetings.  


         Remaining items before XLIFF 2.2 public review.

    R: We received a new template from OASIS and I had to do a lot of changes. Even the stylesheets needed to be modified.

    (Rodolfo explains the changes in the template, e.g. the notices section in the appendix now, the citation format has been changed, the abstract was modified by Kelly)

    L: Impressive work, Rodolfo. Thank you very much. I have found some issues with the styling of two titles (keywords and notice) and an extra paragraph in the notice section.

    R: Thank you for letting me know. I will fix them.

    R: I see a problem also in one section where we say that we have ten schemas but we have 11 if we take into account the ITS again. Either we mention that ITS is a third party. This needs to be addressed.

    L: We can just say "several schemas" and that would solve the problem.

    R: Yes, that will be a good solution.

    R: We need to write some sentences for the section 1.1. given on the template. Lucía, can you do it?

    L: I will do that tomorrow.

    R: Once we have this, we can have a ballot.

    L: I think it would be better to contact Kelly with the questions we had on the reference to the mailing lists.

    R: Yes, that it is a good idea.

    L: no new business. Meeting adjourned.

    Lucía Morado Vázquez
    Researcher and lecturer
    University of Geneva