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Minutes & an opportunity to say Thank You

  • 1.  Minutes & an opportunity to say Thank You

    Posted 08-14-2024 18:08
    Hi folks

    Apologies if this is a duplicate, I've written this email twice, but cannot find it in the reflector.

    Chet Ensign, a long time OASIS staff member and friend of Open Standards, is retiring from OASIS soon. If you would like to leave him a message, please do so here: 


    Here are today's minutes for review, please send all errors/corrections/clarifications to me: 

    In particular, I want to call out these documents for your review:

    I have done my best to get our Work Items wiki up to date, putting the links to the latest working drafts at the top.

    All errors are mine.  I still have not had an opportunity to update the links.  Dieter, now that I found a slightly easier way to make updates, could you send me your list of update links? (If it contains anything additional than what is listed in WD05).
