Please note that I have pushed 'OpenDocument-v1.4-namespace.html' to the Github folder 'odf-tc/docs/odf1.4/csd01'. The URIs in this (and indeed in all of the specification documents) are subject to confirmation following discussions with OASIS staff, and may need to be revised prior to approval of text for CSD01.
A zipped package for CSD01 will be created once the destination URI is confirmed by OASIS.
Original Message:
Sent: 3/11/2024 1:04:00 PM
From: Patrick Durusau
Subject: Notes from ODF TC Teleconference 3/11/2024
Notes from the ODF TC teleconference, 3/11/2024 appear below.
Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!
[12:05]??Patrick: Present: Francis Cave, Patrick Durusau, Alfred Hellstern, Regina Henschel, Svante Schubert, Michael Stahl
[12:06]??Patrick: Minutes of 4 March 2024 - Approved by consent
[12:08]??Patrick: Agenda - wait for Michael - Plus issue Regina % sign on negative numbers - approve today, then have a version 2
[12:09]??Patrick: Office 4153 -
[12:10]??Patrick: 4. Motions to approve ODF 1.4 as Committee Specification Draft and for Public Review
[12:16]??Svante Schubert: ^^in the beginning "docs" instead of "doc"
[12:17]??Francis Cave: This document describes the XML namespace names declared in the specification OpenDocument Version 1.3, CSD03:
[12:19]??Svante Schubert: I would keep http although we have https now
[12:19]??Svante Schubert: s = secure
[12:20]??Svante Schubert: Keeping the namespaces URLs (no updating any version numbers in namespaces)
[12:22]??Svante Schubert: There is the OpenDocument-v1.3-namespace.html file
[12:27]??Svante Schubert: but why not as a real file? no redirection!
[12:31]??Patrick: I've lost my connection, redialing
[12:31]??Patrick: I'm back
[12:33]??Patrick: OpenDocument -> 1.3 move 1 level up, delete OpenDocument folder -
[12:33]??Svante Schubert: I would rather suggest to provide symbolic links (or redirects) so both variants are accessible!
[12:35]??Svante Schubert: This would prevent broken links and keep data consistent (just one data version). We should test the links within!
[12:37]??Patrick: Francis - create namespace file and zip package for ODF 1.4 as committee specification
[12:40]??Patrick: can the public see the drafts in the directory for a TC?
[12:43]??Patrick: Need to delay until next week -
[12:44]??Patrick: 5. OFFICE-4153 - ODF password-based package encryption enhancements (continued)
[12:45]??Michael Stahl: 4.16.6 manifest:start-key-generation-name
[12:45]??Michael Stahl: (As discussed in OFFICE-3708 ODF uses a wrong URL for SHA256 so if we make an incompatible change we should use the opportunity to fix it.)
[12:47]??Patrick: Producers use the correct URL - consumers accept both
[12:47]??Patrick: Accepted by consent
[12:47]??Michael Stahl: 4.16.7 manifest:key-size
[12:50]??Patrick: accepted by consent
[12:50]??Michael Stahl: * remove the default value which doesn't make sense as it typically contradicts the algorithm url
[12:51]??Michael Stahl: manifest:iteration-count
[12:51]??Michael Stahl: 4.16.8
[12:52]??Michael Stahl: add iteration recommendation as a Note
[12:54]??Michael Stahl: avoid "should" etc
[12:58]??Patrick: 4.16.9 manifest:key-derivation-name
[12:59]??Patrick: accepted
[12:59]??Patrick: 4.16.12 manifest:salt
[13:00]??Michael Stahl: add it normatviely, not as Note