Open Supplychain Information Modeling TC

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  • 1.  Proposal to approve PR #46 on 1-Oct agenda/prep

    Posted 09-21-2024 15:02

    I, Duncan Sparrell, move that PR #46 (prep for 1-Oct meeting) be approved, and request that if seconded via this list, and no objections received via this list within one week (ie by 28-Sep-2024 3 PM Eastern) , that the motion automatically carry and the maintainers may merge the PRs at their convenience.

    Duncan Sparrell
    Chief Cyber Curmudgeion
    sFractal Consulting LLC
    Oakton VA

  • 2.  RE: Proposal to approve PR #46 on 1-Oct agenda/prep

    Posted 09-21-2024 18:01
    Bob Martin seconds.

  • 3.  RE: Proposal to approve PR #46 on 1-Oct agenda/prep

    Posted 09-30-2024 17:06

    The motion was seconded, there were no objections, the motion has passed. The agenda was modified to reflect the PR's that were approved interregnum and the ones that were to be discussed at the meeting. A topic was also added to agenda based on email interregnum. With these changes, the PR has been merged.

    Members may want to review the discussion items (section VI of prep doc and propose changes to order of discussion if desired. Many groups give priority to proposed text over general discussion so I put the two PR's first. Then I put any items discussed via email. Then I put the continuation of previous discussions.

    Duncan Sparrell
    Chief Cyber Curmudgeion
    sFractal Consulting LLC
    Oakton VA

  • 4.  RE: Proposal to approve PR #46 on 1-Oct agenda/prep

    Posted 10-01-2024 08:00
    PR #48 contains IMs for several applications to provide specific examples of what a JADN IM looks like and how it could be used. The intent is to illustrate how an IM is  structured data that can be both serialized as any other data and represented in different but logically equivalent forms for different purposes.   The examples are in the "Working" holding area for member contributions and are not proposed work products, they are intended to support the creation of TC work products. 

    David Kemp
    NSA Cybersecurity

  • 5.  RE: Proposal to approve PR #46 on 1-Oct agenda/prep

    Posted 10-01-2024 08:36
    As it is a member contribution in the GitHub member contribution area, I propose PR48 be added to section V of the agenda for Consent Agenda Items. 

    I propose we discuss whether in the future GitHub maintainers can merge member contributions  in member area without requiring meeting approval. 

    In an unrelated topic, I notice I missed an email and propose to add a discussion topic on the NIST call for comments on supply chain traceability. I propose it be after entity representation on the agenda. 

    We can agree or change these agenda proposals when agreeing to the agenda in section III of the agenda. 

    iPhone, iTypo, iApologize