This is an example template using Markdown.
Please keep in mind that a separate new template must be requested [3] for each new numbered Version of a Work Product.
Per the TC's submission request [1], please find the attached starter document for:
eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.1
WP-abbrev: xacml
The starter document package (.zip) contains the following files and directories:
-- a markdown file (.md) ... this is the main template or starter document, customized with titles and other elements for this Work Product
-- a directory "styles" containing an HTML style sheet (.css) (some .css files are permanently installed online - see "README" file.)
-- a directory "images" containing an example image file
-- a "README" text file with important instructions
When the TC first votes [2] to publish this Work Product in the OASIS Library, we expect it to be published at: permanent "Latest stage" URI will be: let me know if anything here fails to meet your expectations.
When the TC votes [2] to approve a working draft as a Committee Specification Draft, the Chair or other designated person must submit a request online, accessible on the Project Administration Requests Page [3].
Upon receipt of this request form, the Project Administrator will review and process the Work Product for official publication in the OASIS Library (, including addition of the requisite cover page metadata and other boilerplate information.
=========== References:
[1][2] Motion or ballot language templates for approval of a publication[3] Project Administration Requests Page - see "Start new work", "Publish a draft work" or "Start a public review" wishes,
-- OASIS...Setting the standard for open collaboration