It looks good to me and consistent over versioning. There are some other fields that are just a matter of providing URLs (and, in lieu of an e-mail, the correct forum for contacting the TC).
I'll try to join the call tomorrow.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 17:48
From: Kenneth Bengtsson
Subject: UBL in the Cross-border Paperless Trade Database
Dear all
As agreed, my draft text for the updated entry (to be discussed at tomorrow's call):
The OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL), ISO/IEC 19845, is a globally recognized standard that facilitates the exchange of structured business documents across different systems and industries. Developed by the OASIS UBL Technical Committee, UBL offers a syntax-neutral approach to defining business semantics, enabling seamless interoperability and harmonization among diverse systems and stakeholders.
UBL simplifies data exchange in international trade by providing a royalty-free library of electronic business document standards tailored to various essential trade processes. These standards cover a wide array of functions including tendering, contracting, sourcing, planning, transportation, logistics, invoicing, and more.
With its semantic library standardizing over 4,000 business terms, UBL ensures consistency and interoperability across industries and regions. Developed collaboratively over 25 years in an open environment, UBL represents a culmination of global expertise dedicated to advancing trade facilitation.
A notable feature of UBL is its document-oriented approach, which facilitates a smooth transition from paper-based to electronic transactions with minimal disruption to existing business processes. This approach lowers barriers to entry, enabling businesses of all sizes to adopt digital transformation effortlessly.
Recognized as an international standard for electronic business documents, UBL promotes consistency and compatibility in global trade and commerce. Furthermore, it is freely available to everyone without legal encumbrance or licensing fees, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in the digital marketplace.
In essence, UBL empowers businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and capitalize on opportunities in the dynamic landscape of international trade. Its functional and technical merits make it a preferred choice for organizations seeking standardized and interoperable solutions.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 3/27/2024 10:20:00 AM
From: Craig Atkinson
Subject: RE: UBL in the Cross-border Paperless Trade Database
Hi Kenneth,
The process is simple - I'll reply with you in copy to the previous e-mail conversation to give your endorsement of the URL change.
There is also the matter of updating the document attached to the first post in this thread (the UBL entry in the database, and the document on which it is based, currently refers to UBL 2.2, yet it would be good to have a description of the updates in version history 2.3 and 2.4, information about JSON representations, etc.). Ken (Holman) had also mentioned some key documents and linkages. I'll reply in a separate e-mail to arrange this.
Alongside the other initiatives of the DSI, this page gives excellent exposure to UBL (particularly in Asia Pacific).
Kind regards,
Craig Atkinson
Craig Atkinson (Personal)
Original Message:
Sent: 03-27-2024 04:58
From: Kenneth Bengtsson
Subject: UBL in the Cross-border Paperless Trade Database
Thank you Craig, for getting on top of this. I agree with your proposal for a "generic" UBL entry. Would your contact be able to inform us of the formal process to make this change?
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 3/25/2024 10:00:00 PM
From: Craig Atkinson
Subject: UBL in the Cross-border Paperless Trade Database
Fellow TC Members,
As it refers to UBL 2.2, I went through my UN network to get in touch with the contact at UNESCAP responsible for updating the database.
He proposed to switch the title to "Universal Business Language (UBL)" as well as the URL to :
Also attached is the current content. My suggestion would be that any update reflect the version history of UBL as well as to include any current documentation.
I'm not sure of the appropriate process or who would be the lead on this, but I'd be willing to assist/help facilitate. The database provides good exposure to standards like UBL, especially in the digital trade/cross-border e-commerce community.
Best regards,
Craig Atkinson
Craig Atkinson (Personal)